The footage, from the forthcoming reality series Life After B2K, shows the former member of B2K discussing sex acts that allegedly took place between members of B2K and their former manager Chris Stokes, and suggests that the boys were encouraged to have sex with each other, and with various industry people. Marques Houston is also implicated.

Raz-B - real name De'Mario Monte Thornton - also says, somewhat bizarrely, "Me going on Noah's Arc was an expression of what I've been through."
The news that sex is the favourite currency in show biz, and that managers and agents use their positions to get what they want from hungry young artists, isn't a big revelation. But what is shocking is the very public disclosure of a gay sex scandal involving some of the urban music scene's biggest names.
No doubt we'll be hearing a lot more about this...
I just heard about the whole B2K sex scandal. And unfortunately I am not surprised. I just hope they can and most likely will still further their careers and not let this destroy what they have now. Personally I was never into their music as a group. But they are talented and extremely good looking dudes and so forth. I am shocked that you found something still on youtube. I heard the it was all taking off of youtube.
I was never into B2K's music myself, just the heavily sexualised imagery, although they did have a couple of nice singles - Uh Huh and Bump Bump Bump are decent tunes, but the albums were a write-off... A couple of people have said that I don't really give any opinion on the story in my piece, but since there's no real facts out there yet, I thought it better to hold my thoughts on it - we all know what people will do for success, so if sex did take place, then how complicit were the boys in it? Is it just a ploy to get publicity for their less-than-successful careers since the group split? Or was it real abuse? Who knows... The videos still seem to be on youtube, though...
A few days after Chris Stokes made an official statement saying that the allegations were not true, Raz B made a public apology on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTziK8smZYU)
Them video's were obviously not 'leaked without his consent' though, and why would he say those things in the 1st place?
It makes me think that big ugly bug Chris might have put some money in his pocket and told him to shut up.
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