Ricardo Thornton, Raz-B's brother, has spoken out in an interview with
The New Urban blog, saying: "I just got off the phone with DeMario (Raz B), and the apology tape is not real! Chris had people force Raz to read a script and coerced him into taking money. I talked to DeMario and the money will be returned. We want this done right. We're putting this message out there for all of the innocent kids who get abused and are then forced to be silent."
Sure enough, the apology video has disappeared from youtube.
Thornton goes on to allege that Chris Stokes and Marques Houston are lovers, and that Stokes promised to take care of young artists if they took part in gay sex acts with one another.
Read the full interview
happy 2008! ka-os,
anymore strange and unusual information on male on male pop stars being molested by their managers or such dl love affairs. i recently heard about bow wow and omarion kissing when they were drunk. it's not bad to kiss once in awhile if you're allegedly a straight artist. but that whole youtube incident regarding raz's butt hurting was way out there. i hope that gets taking care of properly. i missed any story coverage on oprah or tyra.
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