Cor blimey geezer mate! I love a good map, me, especially a not-real one. Here's a not-real one that replaces stations on the familiar
London Underground map with places in the world. It comes from the not-very-exciting-sounding book
Transit Maps Of The World, which never-the-less for this geek sounds engrossing. You see, it's all about "graphic design of worldwide subway, metro, underground and U-Bahn system maps and diagrams" (says the
Going Underground blog, which also has details of a competition in which you, your very self, can win a poster of the not-real map).
For better or worse, my home station on the map has been replaced by Lisbon, and I now work in Izmir (it's in Turkey - and yes, I did have to look it up). Apparently it's liberal there, so that's all right.
If you're very bored, or can't find any decent porn, have a look at previous not-real maps I've attempted to bring to your attention, like this here
Map Of Humanity, or the
Web Trend map.
It's all good clean fun, and better than a kick in the teeth, what!
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