*Should I face the death penalty for writing this blog? The Iranians would like me to.
*The bearded madmen are at it again. All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary. "If a man likes another man, it can happen," he said, perhaps speaking from experience. "But if you go on to fulfil your desire..." Blah blah threat blah threat.
*And when stoning us isn't on the agenda, they're ordering their women to commit suicide. Ain't these extremists a hoot!

The one with the waggley tail
How much is that footballer in the window? (arf! arf!)
I do hope that footballer's for sale"
*The 100 Greatest, Gayest Albums (according to someone else). How many do you agree on? (I only like No.3 in the Top 10).

*More happy news from Africa. This story includes the words "gay" and "Christian".
*And here's a more positive take on the gay/Christian equation.
*Hotel Bans Gay Couple From Sharing A Bed! the headlines scream. Homophobia? Well, not really, if you read the details. This is where gay activists give us all a bad rap.
*Maybe that's why they still think they can cure us.
*A diet high in fruit and vegetables may protect against cancer and heart disease. YES, WE KNOW ALREADY!
*But what you might not know is that drinking hot tea will mess with your food tube. Put milk in your tea and coffee!

*This might be the most chilling picture you'll have seen in a long time.
*Common sense finally raising its head? Women who get so drunk they can't remember agreeing to sex and cry rape might not continue to get away with it.
*Feeling a bit crabby? They are.
*Elephants in Belfast!
*Space storm disaster!
*Fashion police! (No, really).
*Expert analysis of the financial crisis from Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva: "White people with blue eyes" did it, apparently. Er, okay...

*Or was he just getting his two pennies worth in after Silvio Berlusconi's cringe-inducing faux pas?
*Is a film of John Christopher's Tripods novels finally on the way? Alex Proyas (I, Robot) is the man for the job.
*Come back Chris Brown, everything's forgiven - that dumb ass bint deserved the beat down she got. I mean, really. Tattoos of guns? That's a great message to send to your young audience. Knock some sense into her Chris!
*Premium jail bait. Tip, just don't drop the soap in those communal showers.

*They didn't like his dirrty gay sex history, so they kicked him back. Supreme Returns - but shouldn't We be the ones to kick this useless, sullen, gay-for-pay jerk-off to the kerb?
*Dolly Parton: "I will never be over". You go, gurl.
*Jade Goody, 5 June 1981 - 22 March 2009.
ISSUE 02 On the cover: Salieu Jalloh, by Jon Malinowski.