WELL. US FAGGOTS really are a bunch of self-destructive jerk-offs, aren't we?
Wilson Cruz - the boy with the billion dollar smile - has spoken out against the criticism levelled at him by certain quarters of the gay community. They're unhappy that he constantly plays fem, and by extension, represents gay men to the world at large as effeminate.
Now, I'm usually the first person to complain that we need more diversity in our representation. Gay men are not all flaming white queens à la Will & Grace's Jack, yet Jack seems to be the default template for the gay in the mainstream media.
However, that doesn't mean we should douse our flames like they're a public health hazard. As the tagline for The Towering Inferno says, "One Tiny Spark Becomes A Night Of Blazing Suspense". And trust me, no one does a night of blazing suspense better than a sexy fem boy. (They can also be bitch c**ts from hell, but that's another subject). There's a section of the gay community that wants to pretend we're just like Randy, Trey and Tim over at Hooters. Sorry, but that we ain't, no more than we're all Just Jack.
Cruz says: "When we as a community start to tear each other down because of the fact that some of the members of our community feel so free and so alive, that they feel they can be whoever they are in public, then we have lost the whole purpose of our movement. The purpose of our movement really is that we as gay men and women be exactly who we are - at all times. And we're not trying to mask and be something other than that." I wonder who's driving this craze for conformity? Is it generational? Older gay men seem less interested in the concept of "straight-acting" than younger guys are. A good friend of mine, who I consider something of a mentor, thinks it's funny that when he first knew me I was obsessed with the concept of hyper-masculinity, and that I'm now more enamoured of louche fem boys. I'd gladly jump in bed with a DL Jamaican dude up for a lil sumthin' sumthin' as much as I would a lip-gloss wearing council estate faggamuffin. Woolworths might be out of business, but the Pic'N'Mix is still well stocked. It's not a question of either/or. For every Trey, let there be an Alex. Unity is strength, kids.
>>> ELSEWHERE - Wilson Cruz talks about the controversy over his and other gay portrayals in “He’s Just Not That Into You” <<<

Now, I'm usually the first person to complain that we need more diversity in our representation. Gay men are not all flaming white queens à la Will & Grace's Jack, yet Jack seems to be the default template for the gay in the mainstream media.

>>> ELSEWHERE - Wilson Cruz talks about the controversy over his and other gay portrayals in “He’s Just Not That Into You” <<<
interesting situation
I have a lot of time for Wilson Cruz. I loved him in Coffee Date and Noah's Arc. But most of all, I love the fact that he's happy to be an openly gay man in an industry that is mostly closeted. I wonder how many of his detractors have had the courage to come out - or are they hiding behind him as he leads the way forward?
A good friend of mine constantly bemoans the fact that other gay black men aren't interested in him because he's not a down-low thug. All I can say is that by being so blinkered, they're missing out.
Wilson Cruz does indeed represent a certain portion of the community and I applaud him for doing so...I mean who are the ones out there like that?
The lack of true support & brother/sisterhood within the community is more alarming than a flaming drag queen screaming at the top of her lungs in the middle of the field at the Superbowl (the bastion of male virile heterosexuality). Sometimes it seems the community has more haters within its own ranks than there are from the straight world.
Whatever happened to the message implied in the anthem "I Am What I Am?"
"When we as a community start to tear each other down because of the fact that some of the members of our community feel so free and so alive, that they feel they can be whoever they are in public, then we have lost the whole purpose of our movement."
Pretty much encapsulates what I wanted to say about this.
Also, the only name I recognised in this post was that of the film: am I out of touch with the homosexuals?
Trey and Alex are a couple in Noah's Arc, you tart.
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