"You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it..."

THIS IS 20-YEAR-OLD sprinter Harry Aikines-Aryeetey. 

A true London boy, he's built like a tank and possesses a million watt smile. He's also sweet as hell:

"I must have been about 11 when I was playing football in the park and a dog started chasing me. I started running, screaming my head off, but some of my friends noticed how fast I was. I started running at school and it all started from there." Happily, Harry isn't afraid of dogs anymore. "My friend had a dog, a really friendly dog. I was moving to Loughborough on my own so I thought it would be a good idea [to get a dog]. I've got a dog now called Barney – a Shar Pei. Barney is a bit like me in that he likes to run but he can't run for long!"



Cup-o-Noodles said...

*looks at watch*
*looks at BA's website for the next direct flight to Heathrow*

Cup-o-Noodles said...

I read that article and it said something about "haribo". What are those? Candies?

KAOS said...

LOL - ya got it, Dusty. Or as we call them here, sweets. ;)

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