...out of time

"The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there..."

THIS WEEK'S OUT OF TIME wasn't going to be about the World Trade Center. Again.

OK, I'm obsessed. I see World Trade Center imagery everywhere. Take this T-shirt. "Is that...?" I asked partner in crime the MelBot, with whom I was looking at clothes online. He rolled his eyes in a "There he goes again" kinda way. 

And it isn't the Twin Towers, it's just a partially obscured H. Tonight's StepBack was going to be the '80s advert that made me gay. Then, in YouTube's More From column, I saw the thumbnail above for '91 advert for nappies. Just watch the animation. Could it be anymore prescient?


Cup-o-Noodles said...

That whole animated sequence with the puff of smoke coming off of it.... a wee bit disturbing.

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