Happy Ever After, All

I WAS GOING TO leave this one alone, but what the hell. The Sun (uh huh) reports on our favourite gay penguins. They were the ones allegedly "quarrelling with another male over stolen eggs" - although we still haven't heard back from the interpreter regarding the veracity of that quote. Maybe they were quarrelling about getting into Noah's Ark. No? Well, I thought it was funny. Anyway, they've only gone and got married, haven't they? Yes, the saddlebacking bible nuts might not allow us to wed in California, but the Chinese will let penguins do it. So there. Oh yeah, and best wishes to the happy couple. I hope it all works out. Previously: Gays Make The Best Parents

So There Are Some Perks To Being King, Then

REASONS WHY WE love The Tudors: 1). Sexy men being naughty. 2). Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. 3). Mad bad dames (or rather, damsels). 4). Man on man action. 5). Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. 6). Big swords. 7). Peter O'Toole's Pope. 9). How everyone's Irish and pretending they're not. 10). Jonathan Rhys-Meyers taking his clothes off. That just about covers it. And this new advert for the forthcoming season three, with King Henry VIII sitting atop a throne of naked hunks, hasn't exactly dampened my enthusiasm... Picture: Towleroad


EARLIER THIS MONTH, we learned that the Pet Shop Boys will release their latest album (remember those?) in March. The album art for Yes is now available. "[It] has been designed by long-standing PSB collaborators, Farrow. Eleven squares of colour - one square for each track - form an affirmative tick on the front cover," says the boy's official site. Popjustice, who previewed the album, comment on it too. Previously: Pet Shop Boys In March

Another Day At The Office

"I DON'T BELIEVE that suicide is a sustainable business practice. I think that Baader Meinhof went away, the IRA went away, this will go away." Er, what? WHAT? Those are the words of the American Managing Director of London Underground, Tim O'Toole. He was addressing the Home Affairs Committee. Now, I can sort of see what he's saying, but really, only an American (and really, I love Americans) could use the phrase "sustainable business practice" in relation to terrorism. Dubya probably would have said something like it too, except the word sustainable isn't in his vocabulary. If he'd been fed the words, he'd have ended up saying something like "suspect business practice, ya'all." The full story is here.


FAG MAG DNA has gathered the boys from adult sex site Randy Blue (where, presumably, the men have sex - WITH each other) for an all-American swimwear shoot. This, we like. Eddie Diaz, we love. Via Rod 2.0. Elsewhere: Reese Rideout and His Randy Blue Buddies Sizzling In DNA

Don't Mess With The Boys From The Dorm

THE WHEELS OF justice do indeed turn slowly.

Way, way back in May 2007, there was something of a hoo-ha when the location of the CocoDorm was exposed on national television.

The hack, er, I mean reporter, said: "It's a normal South Florida neighbourhood. Families live here, kids play here, there are renovated homes, even a Catholic church - all in the shadow of the new Miami." There are renovated homes! Good god. That's an astonishing fact. I can use that in awkward conversations. The reporter goes on, "In this house... we discovered they're operating a hardcore, live internet sex business. Cameras installed in rooms, where customers around the world can pay to watch the men who live here have sex with each other."

That's my favourite bit of the clip "...have sex WITH each other." Yes, WITH each other, kids. The reporter emphasises that important point with just the right measure of disgust. He probably practised in front of the mirror.

The authorities were spurred into action, notices were filed, legal briefs flew about, and Shorty J's briefs continued to come off - INSIDE the Dorm. Yes ladies and gentlemen, they came OFF.

This unhappy tale of bigotry and haters has a happy ending though, with various blogs, including SGL Café and MOC Blog, today reporting that Flava Works successfully sued the City of Miami.

So the men inside the Dorm can continue to have sex WITH each other, for the benefit of you, I, and all humanity.

God bless America.

Previously - CocoDorm: The Seige!

Elsewhere -
SGL Café: FlavaWorks: The House Next Door Prevails

VideoContent -
NBC 6: The House Next Door

...out of time

"The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there..."
I STUMBLED ACROSS this old advert a few days ago and can't shake the image from my head. It reminded me of another advert from 2001, prior to September 11, in The Source magazine. I think it was for a computer game, and it showed a devastated Manhattan with the World Trade Center in ruins (but still standing)... Maybe we should all pay a lot more attention to advertising. Fortune tellers watch your backs.

LENSED: Ngo Tien

THE SECOND GUY I "knew" was Vietnamese. We were once mugged by a gang of Aboriginal boys brandishing a syringe of blood, and they took $5 from me. Aaaaaaahhh, those were the days... These photos are not him. They're former Mr. Vietnam 2006 Ngo Tien. Wouldn't you just. Via my new favourite site, Oriental Heat mag.

LENSED: The Boys of Djamee


Lamya Is Dead


The Oman-born artist was raised in London and Egypt, and classically trained as an opera singer. She is best known for Empires, the 2002 hit from her debut album Learning From Falling.

Lamya passed away on 8th January after suffering a heart attack.

I didn't know about Lamya before today, but after seeing the video for Empires, I'll be looking for her music. Make sure you watch the clip of this strange, hypnotic and utterly gorgeous number.

Discographic: Diamonds Are Forever


THERE AREN'T MANY openly gay artists in the music industry, and fewer still openly gay black or Asian artists. Hardly any of them gain mainstream success.

One openly gay, black artist who gained mainstream success in the 90s was David McAlmont, notching up hits as the voice of McAlmont & Butler. His solo career has been less successful, but generated one of the most gorgeous, and important albums of the decade, A Little Communication.

Before that lush, lost classic, there was his collaboration with David Arnold. It's gorgeous. McAlmont's voice is gorgeous. And oh boy, in this video, McAlmont is gorgeous. The camp is turned up to the max, and fem is redefined. And the lips, my God, the lips... Simmering masculinity and heaving pecs have their place, but sometimes you just want a sleek, pouting fem boy in a white catsuit to get wild with.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Diamonds Are Forever...

Previously - Discographic: Nothing Like The Rain

Tiny Spaceships, Long Scarves and Robot Dogs

THIS IS SO CUTE I had to let you in on it.

Dusty Abell has created this comic menagerie of 70s, mostly American, sci-fi fun. Doctor Who takes centre stage, but I wonder how many Americans recognise the show's icons? And strictly speaking its not a 70s show as such, having been born in 1963.

It's a shame that the Liberator, Orac and Servalan are absent - but I don't think Americans ever took to the nihilistic soul of Blake's 7...

More of Dusty Abell's work here.

Via Maybe It's Just Me.

First Or Last?

THE IMAGIST ASKS why "Why Has There Been No Black Male 'Supermodel' Since Tyson Beckford?"

Is that strictly true? There might not be one top dog supermodel now, but isn't Tyson Beckford remembered as THE black male supermodel precisely because he was the first black male supermodel?

Names like Wendell Lissimore, Oraine Barrett, Dominique Hollington, Marcus Lloyd, Salieu Jalloh, Shaun Sutton and Marcus Patrick are all familiar names, and they regularly appear on these pages.

Rather than being the last of his kind, as The Imagist suggests, I'd argue that Beckford was merely the first of his kind...

Previously: Tyson Beckford Does London, and more.


IT STARTS ALL over again.

Fifteen year old Steven Lewis was stabbed to death in East London on Saturday night. He died in hospital.

Two boys, aged 16 and 17, have been arrested.

Lewis is the first teenager to be violently murdered this year. Last year, 28 teenagers were violently killed in London.

Previously: Teenagers Who Died Before They Lived

The Nude Book

BOY, HAVE I GOT a book for you. Photographer Alex-Ade Ogundiran has put together The Nude Book, which showcases some of the most astonishingly beautiful images I've seen in a long time. "Alex transforms models into sex symbols by blurring the lines between raw good looks and perfection," says his bio. "You will be enticed and allured by the presence of each model. My goal is to take you through cycles of maximum sex-perience while flipping through the pages of this coffee table book." Damn! Sign me up for that trip! "Have you seen ripped, shredded, tight bodies before? These beautiful models that are not average, each come in unique packages that keep your adrenaline pumping while enjoying the wondrous nudity of the black frame." Gosh... "This is a book to relax all tensions when loneliness sets in on a Friday night. When your boyfriend is away, it's time to get steamy looking through this well put together presentation of the most beautiful boys." Oh my. Talk about a sales pitch. And as if the hype (which the pictures more than live up to) wasn't enough, then all proceeds from the sale of the book go to the Campala Foundation.

Be Afraid. I Know I Am

TOWLEROAD REPORTS ON someone in a show I can't bare breaking his penis. Well, this can't pass without comment, really, can it? Boys, boys, boys, we don't really know much about our part (as seminal R&B group Ultimate Kaos referred to it in their last ever single, My Lover) do we? Did you know, for example, that "your penis is shaped like a boomerang. Just like you don't see all of a big oak tree above ground, you don't see the root of your penis tucked up inside your pelvis and attached to your pubic bone." You learn something new everyday. And here's what all the fuss is about: "There is no 'penis bone,' but you can break your penis all the same. It's called penile fracture, and it's not a subtle injury. When it happens, there's an audible pop or snap [and] the penis turns black and blue. And there's terrible pain." Well, that's just terrifying. I wonder if that's what Haydon was referring to in his unfathomable lyric "if you touch / my part / you'll hear a nasty sound..."


AN INSURANCE COMPANY (boo! hiss!) has come up with an alternative Tube map, showing the number of steps walked by the average person between Tube stations. Does London have such a thing as an average walker? People invariably hare about like storm troopers on crack (this is good) or shuffle along like stoned tortoises (this is bad). Never mind pedometers, what I want is a cattle prod. The purpose of the map is to encourage lazy people to exercise - the British Heart Foundation recommends we walk 10,000 steps per day, which will help protect against bad things like stroke, diabetes and cancer (the downside is you'll inhale lots of nasties from traffic, get harassed by chuggers, and might be run over one of the capital's many psychopathic bus drivers).

Follow My Blog

A BIG, BIG HUG and a wet kiss (with tongue, in Tré Xavier's case) for those of you who have decided to "Follow This Blog", particularly as many of you are leaders in the field. Each new follower is a huge boost, and my gratitude is genuinely heartfelt. Some of you I've admired for years - the aforementioned Tré Xavier and his vivacious X-Ray Vision (not to mention his other highly stimulating work...), Taylor Siluwé and his excellent, essential SGL Café, and the intimate The Kabuki Play: Romances. L.M. Ross, author of literary feast The Long Blue Moan, also joins us - I discovered his two blogs only yesterday, and highly recommend them both. There's new friends too - Wonder Man's wonderful Maybe It's Just Me, the thought-provoking TheGayte-Keeper, gorgeous Flight of the Scorpion, the informative Chuma Spirit Magazine, the yummy Fred Derf Show, and both Par de doi and Mariposo (I wish I spoke French - the blogs look fantastic). Last, but by no means least, the too too cute Justin and his HIV Journal, and my MIA friend Sanya with his adventures in Spain, Sanya in España. Thanks to all of you. I hope you like it here.

LENSED: Robert Knox

SUPERMODELTASIC! THERE'S NOTHING like a yummy boy to start the day, and they don't come much yummier than Djamee model Robert Knox. Many, many more snaps of the delicious boy man at Djamee Models (and keep you hands where I can see them).

I wouldn't if I was you, but what do I know

ERR... I'M SURE he knows what he's doing, but this news instantly brings to mind that scene in Ghostbusters where the dumb guy from the City orders the Ghostbusters to shut down their facility, and all the ghosts and spooks get released.

The result? A disaster of biblical proportions. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!

Still... I'm sure he knows what he's doing...

A Potato and A Pointless Gash

THIS HAS TO BE the funniest mess I've read in time. In fact, it's probably funnier than watching it. MOC Blog presents a minute by minute account of the interview between Pointless Gash Tyra Banks and Why Would Anyone Pay For This? porn star Kurt Wild. Rather them than me. I tried to find a better picture of Kurt Wild than the one MOC have used. I did a Google search and realised MOC had, in fact, used the best picture of the anaemic twerp. Doh! A potato it is then. As funny as the MOC review is, I'd much rather have seen an interview between Wild and gay-for-pay detractor Tré Xavier. Now wouldn't that be something...

EastEnders: The Drinking Game

WELL GEE WHIZ kids, ain't this just the best thing ever? Digital Spy have come up with a game that combines two of my favourite things, EastEnders and drinking! What a lark! Who's up for it?
Rule One - Down a shot each time Dot Branning reels off a quote from the Bible. Rule Two - Make yourself a dirty cocktail if you manage to figure out the family tree that connects Pat Butcher to pretty much everyone in the show. Rule Three - Knock back a swig of rum each time the Argee Bargee curryhouse or Fargo's restaurant is mentioned. Rule Four - Have a double and mixer of choice each time a character cracks into some scotch when they're angry/upset or some food starts burning in The Caff to indicate stress and despair. Rule Five - Chug some beers each time Abi Branning starts whining about wanting her parents back together or she discusses her pets. Rule Six - Swig some whiskey if you spot Phil Mitchell looking red-faced, angry and panting like a dog that has been locked in a car boot for a week. Rule Seven - Have a vodka and mixer of choice each time Big Mo mentions Fat Elvis or Tracy is asked to man the bar during a crisis. Rule Eight - Each time Peggy Mitchell/Pat Butcher proclaims the virtues of the "faaaarrmily", drink some absinthe. Rule Nine - If you spot Ricky pulling a face as if he's just produced a really nasty smell when he is trying to indicate confusion, anger or emotional torment, crack into the vodka. Rule Ten - Have two fingers of ale each time Frank Butcher's plaque or Arthur Fowler's bench are shown on screen. Rule Eleven - Keep drinking your beer whenever Archie Mitchell is sat at the end of the bar, Ben Mitchell is spotted whimpering on the stairs, or Heather Trott is filmed stuffing her face with cheese. Rule Twelve - Mix all the remaining drinks together and down in one if a character leaves via a black cab "up West" or to visit another character e.g. 'Chelle in America or Kathy in Saaartthh Africa.


THERE'S SOME THINGS in life you can never have too much of, and Marcus Patrick is one of them. I urge Patrick-Ian Polk to cast him in any future Noah's Arc.

Gregory Prescott has lensed Patrick; much more of his exceptional work can be found at BeautifulMag. Marcus Patrick can be found here.


WHAT DO YOU get when you add one part London Stock Brick, one part mixed race come good, one part cane rows? Sexilicious yumminess called Chaka, lensed by Urban Shotz Photography. LENSED replaces the now defunct In Pictures as the regular photo series. Labels have been amended; you can view all LENSED articles by clicking LENSED in the righthand What's Inside column.

Discographic: Nothing Like The Rain


Bob May, The Robot, Is Dead

BEING A YOUNG boy in the late eighties meant a number of things: Thundercats, BMX, Lego pirates, wishing Theo from The Cosby Show was my big brother (er... was that just me?) and lazy Sunday afternoons watching knackered old American science fiction shows like The Time Tunnel, Land of the Giants and Lost In Space. Except to an eight your old they weren't knackered, they were imaginative and a little magical. Kids don't really pick up on things like lazy plotting, dubious acting and increasinly dodgy special effects (unless a mean-spirited adult points them out and shatters the illusion...) Bob May was the actor who played the Robot in Lost In Space, commonly referred to as a "bubble-headed booby" by the deliciously camp Dr Smith (the Robot that is, not Bob May). "He always said he got the job because he fit in the robot suit," said June Lockhart, who played all-American mom Maureen Robinson in the show. "It was one of those wonderful Hollywood stories. He just happened to be on the studio lot when someone saw him and sent him to see Irwin Allen about the part. Allen said, 'If you can fit in the suit you've got the job." Bob May passed away on Sunday. He was 69. Thanks for the memories, Mr May. This eight year old loved you.

A Big Mixed Race Family

THERE ARE NOW so many people in mixed-race relationships (or interracial relationships if you're American) in the UK that one in ten children are part of a mixed race family, and some ethnic groups (Afro-Caribbeans) are expected to disappear.
Half of British men with Caribbean heritage are in a relationship with someone of another race. The figure is less for black African men, with one in five in a relationship with someone of another race.
Initially, this might sound like a good thing, but is there a downside? Certainly, the disappearance of the long established Afro-Caribbean community isn't welcome news. And the Equality and Human Rights Commission had this warning: "We need to be alert to tensions within communities that may be exacerbated by economic downturn, and to remain vigilant against discrimination and divisiveness - particularly across boundaries of faith..."
As someone who's only ever been in mixed-race relationships since the age of seventeen, stories like these really resonate - and to my ears, it's a good news story. Mixed race couplings shouldn't be unusual, or raise eyebrows, but they continue to provoke heated debate on all sides, with phrase like selling out and fetish still flung about.
The figures also prove something I've always suspected; that Afro-Caribbean men are more open minded about relationships with people outside their race, as opposed to African men, who are not...
Previously: The Mixed Race Superrace

LENSED: Oraine Barrett

ORAINE BARRETT, lensed by Jono Rotman. Via Major Models. And previously...
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