THERE'S SOME THINGS in life you can never have too much of, and Marcus Patrick is one of them. I urge Patrick-Ian Polk to cast him in any future Noah's Arc.

Gregory Prescott has lensed Patrick; much more of his exceptional work can be found at BeautifulMag. Marcus Patrick can be found here.


Wonder Man said...

He is so beautiful...wow

KAOS said...

Did you ever see his appearance in My Wife And Kids, playing a gay character? WOW! Red swimming trunks... lol

Moanerplicity said...

One of Life's Natural Wonders, no doubt. But I wouldn't count on the Noah's thing. I tried to get him interested in reading my book, explaining that he'd be perfect to portray Face Depina should a film be made. He hollered back w/ a friendly reply, that he would read the script, BUT 'I've done enough ass-fuck roles'.

Oh well.


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