Happy Ever After, All

I WAS GOING TO leave this one alone, but what the hell. The Sun (uh huh) reports on our favourite gay penguins. They were the ones allegedly "quarrelling with another male over stolen eggs" - although we still haven't heard back from the interpreter regarding the veracity of that quote. Maybe they were quarrelling about getting into Noah's Ark. No? Well, I thought it was funny. Anyway, they've only gone and got married, haven't they? Yes, the saddlebacking bible nuts might not allow us to wed in California, but the Chinese will let penguins do it. So there. Oh yeah, and best wishes to the happy couple. I hope it all works out. Previously: Gays Make The Best Parents


TheatreMad87 said...

Where do you find this stuff? And why are you perusing right-wing tbloid journalism...?

KAOS said...

Towleroad.com, my dear boy - essential reading for every gay boy. I'm guilty only of perusing tabloids indirectly. I literally cannot bare them - although I occasionally look at the sport pages when I find a copy on the Tube, simply to ogle any footballer azz/thigh/face...

Anonymous said...

right winged media is great, nothin like a li bit of Fox News and the O'riely factor to get you all angry and cussing at the tv.

that is cool that they let them get married, what is unnatural is that they dressed them up for the occasion

KAOS said...

Grant - I have to agree with you on both counts. Where would we be without the rightwing media (I was always an SBS man myself...)

As for dressing up the penguins - more than anything, I hate the Disneyfying of wild animals, giving them idiotic names (or any names) as they do in certain wildlife shows. GRRRRRRRR...

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