RISING TO SEVEN feet tall, this extraordinary, detailed model of the World Trade Center and its beautiful twin towers proves that even in miniature, the Port Authority's special baby is breathtaking.
The model has been donated by the American Architectural Foundation to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center. It was made by Minoru Yamasaki Associates.
"As you moved around the model, the towers changed; at one point divided by a column of light, then fused together, then looking like flat slabs, then like silver-edged

pinnacles. You could begin to experience the interplay that gave them an undeniable drama on the skyline," says David W. Dunlop of The New York Times.
Tropolism sums it up best, however: "It's significant and ironic that a paper and plastic model outlived a huge building complex. It's a powerful reminder of what was lost seven and a half years ago."
Oh, ain't it just...
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