Follow My Blog

A BIG, BIG HUG and a wet kiss (with tongue, in Tré Xavier's case) for those of you who have decided to "Follow This Blog", particularly as many of you are leaders in the field. Each new follower is a huge boost, and my gratitude is genuinely heartfelt. Some of you I've admired for years - the aforementioned Tré Xavier and his vivacious X-Ray Vision (not to mention his other highly stimulating work...), Taylor Siluwé and his excellent, essential SGL Café, and the intimate The Kabuki Play: Romances. L.M. Ross, author of literary feast The Long Blue Moan, also joins us - I discovered his two blogs only yesterday, and highly recommend them both. There's new friends too - Wonder Man's wonderful Maybe It's Just Me, the thought-provoking TheGayte-Keeper, gorgeous Flight of the Scorpion, the informative Chuma Spirit Magazine, the yummy Fred Derf Show, and both Par de doi and Mariposo (I wish I spoke French - the blogs look fantastic). Last, but by no means least, the too too cute Justin and his HIV Journal, and my MIA friend Sanya with his adventures in Spain, Sanya in España. Thanks to all of you. I hope you like it here.


lc said...

wow. thanks for the love man. keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

thanks for the could I not like it here?

Wonder Man said...

Thank you, and keep blogging

Moanerplicity said...

Man (or would ya prefer m8?), I didn't know you were here until I spotted you on another page. Thanks for the kind words. Pleasure to be amongst the collective.



TheatreMad87 said...

Oh, how lovely.

Gracias y un beso, cariño.

Anonymous said...

Hello friend like you in my blog?)
I am happy if you follow your blog, I love him with beautiful pictures and interesting topics:)

your friend in Brasil :)

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