Lamya Is Dead


The Oman-born artist was raised in London and Egypt, and classically trained as an opera singer. She is best known for Empires, the 2002 hit from her debut album Learning From Falling.

Lamya passed away on 8th January after suffering a heart attack.

I didn't know about Lamya before today, but after seeing the video for Empires, I'll be looking for her music. Make sure you watch the clip of this strange, hypnotic and utterly gorgeous number.


Wonder Man said...

Oh no, I liked her music

Moanerplicity said...

WHAT????? WTF??? Are you freakin' KIDDING me???? Of course you're not, but damn! This comes as a serious shock!

I have the CD "Learning From Falling," and really dig her vocals... especially on "Empires (Bring Me Men.)" I caught her singing that song on a local show here in NY a few years back and searched all over for the CD, before finally copping it at a $1.99 bargain basement price.

"Black Mona Lisa" is a gem, as is "Judas Kiss." I couldn't believe how cheap it was, considering the quality of her songs & her voice. I gather much of her following was gay-- if you heard her music or seen her perform you'd know why: Muscle boys carrying her on stage. Exotically dressed. She was gorgeous, mad glam, over-the-top-diva-licious.

Wow. I'm very sad to hear she's passed. She was a foxy, vibrant and YOUNG woman. Damn! Just damn!

RIP, Lamya!


Anonymous said...

So very regrettable news. And at the same time I am infinitely glad to music which has come to us thanks to Lamya. RIP, beautiful Lamya...

esjay said...

Great artist...hopefully more will hear her work!

kaka said...

maybe she was killed
honor killing

Pharoah said...

OH I don't know how I missed hearing about Lamya's death. I have no clue how I heard of her music but I've had it for YEARS. Hell it is in the 3 disc player at the house even as I write this comment. I can listen to it all the way great to have playing when I just chillin around the house...pretending to be domestic! My absolute favorites are "I Get Cravings" and "Splitting Atoms," but like I said I love the whole CD.
This is the first time I ever knew there was a video for "Empires" and it's hot...she look SOO freaking Sexy in that purple!

I'm truly sorry to hear of her death...(even if it's now years later.) I've been blindly looking forward to another release from her.

KAOS said...

It's a great album, and Empires is a fantastic song. The video's great too - Lamya is utterly radiant, so alive, and sensual. Her loss is hard to comprehend.

And as you suggest, what might have been... :(

Anonymous said...

modern day poet, lyrics wise beyond her years. i listen to this still, almost 10 years after it was released and it's STILL relevant. damn. she was a prophet.

KAOS said...

Well said, Anon. She is missed. The beauty and strength exhibited in this video is epic.

DJ KenCie said...

Oh no! Another "Beautiful Black Sister" "Out for the Count!"
I've never heard of Lamya; but "ask not for 'whom' the bell tolls..."
R.I.P Baby Girl, my thoughts to you and yours!...
(Popped to YouTube.Com ... Liking "Empires")

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