News updates will now appear on ka-os|theory throughout the week. But don't worry - everyone likes a full package, so you'll still find the full Week According To Garcon Stupide on the weekend!

• Alexander McQueen's demons: it wasn't about his mother, it was about gay porn star Aiden Shaw (left)...

• The straights shackled by marriage - only to realise it's more fun
playing for the other team.

Justin Fashanu's niece backs homophobia campaign; Fashanu (right) remains the only professional football player to come out. He committed suicide in 1998.

• Here's one reason (left) why there's
not likely to be a British version of the Dieux Du Stade calendar...

• Still, say what you want about his mug, but the man's got balls. Christian Voice don't see it that way, however. They've
attacked the former rugby star for "promoting sodomy to children" after his unveiling as the new patron of LGBT History Month - which includes the Schools Out, the programme designed to educate pupils about gay people.

Christian 'homosexual cure' conference sparks protests: Being gay is not an illness, say demonstrators as they picket Belfast church.

• North London gay youth to
march through Soho this coming Friday.

• The
plight of London's Gay's The Word, Britain's only gay bookstore.

Why church and state shouldn't mix: the US government, the Catholic church, and how the LGBT community is tuck in the middle.

• With its first season drawing to a close in the UK, The Guardian looks at why the brilliant Nurse Jackie
is an antidote to the conventions of medical drama.

• Opposition is growing to India's recent decriminalisation of gay sex.

India's 'third sex' win a measure of public acceptance.

• Kenya: Clerics seek to eradicate gays, but
human rights defenders are many.

• Uganda: The Independent
looks at clergyman Martin Ssempa's outrageous campaign against the LGBT community: "The avid Michael Jackson fan, who has impersonated the late star on Ugandan television, flicked through the slides of men engaging in scatological fetishism, giving his horrified commentary. 'This one is eating another man's anus,' he said, while the crowd by turns gasped, sobbed and fell to the floor."

• Did no one learn anything from that
ill-judged World Wildlife Fund ad last year? Humo Magazine also seems to think that the 11 September atrocity is fair game (left)...

• Over the weekend we
heard about Brazilian model Arthur Sales blacking up and donning an Afro wig. It must be in fashion. Now French actor Gerard Depardieu has raided the boot polish. Worse, he's responded to criticism by saying the issue's "not interesting" and "not a problem". That's alright then.

• How heterosexuals are sexualising their children at a young age.

• Insomnia
linked to lower grey matter density in brain.

• Tuck into a packet of crisps
made of pulverised beef or turkey. Lovely...

• ChurchRater: the site that lets you
review church services around the world.

Can MySpace really make a comeback? (Er... no.)

• Annie Lennox thinks Lady Gaga is "
completely off the scale on just about every level". But is there anything beneath all that surface gloss?

ka-os|theory favourite Lemar has a
7th UK Top 10 hit. Somehow I missed this new release - from his forthcoming Greatest Hits collection, which will also feature JLS - last month...

• Government ministers want to see safe sex in soaps.

• A musuem.
For vaccums.

• Or how about one
for Apple Macs?

• Finally today, does this church look like a giant vagina? Philip thinks so...

Issue 50 of The News According To Garçon Stupide
covers the period 20-21th February 2010.

ka-os|theory is not responsible for the content of external websites.

"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come.
The whole thing's been ridiculous."

© 2010


Eduardo Guize said...

I love Nurse Jackie!

I do think children are too sexualized, but come on, Lily Allen? Leave her out of that.

I didn't go to MySpace in those glory days when it wasn't mostly about musicians...

Your favorite Lemar? How many do you know? Ok, ok, bad joke but it's 1.54 am so I'm losing grey matter.

Yeah, it's a giant vagina.

KAOS said...

Nurse Jackie is just wonderful, such a joy! The last episode of season one just aired tonight. It's mind-boggling gorgeous Haaz Sleiman won't be back for season 2 - and doesn't even get an exit!

This blog actually started on MySpace, so it's got a soft spot in my heart...

Unknown said...

So you will be giving us the same news in the full package every Sunday?

KAOS said...

Yes sir. Readers can chose to read the daily updates - like this one - or the whole week wrapped up as usual on Sunday.

Cogent Ascending said...

Love the vid about the giant glass vagina.

Anonymous said...

RIP McQueen

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