Zach Grear


A  R  T     I  S     N  O  T     A      T  H  I  N  G  ,     I  T     I  S     A     W  A  Y

Lust 1984, an online exhibition with new works by artist Zach Grear, at the Tom of Finland Store.

The exhibition consists of unique collages and found gay erotica treated with the artist's signature marker treatment.

"The fantasy of vintage erotica is most powerful when viewed through a nostalgic lens," Grear says. "I gravitate towards them in order to clash and twist the old school appeal — whether 50s era muscle mags or 70s unpolished honcho men — with my own standard of beauty. With each new piece I feel more in control of my body and my sense of beauty — each tattoo reclaims what the oppression of body fascism steals from us every single day."

About the quotation in the title:

"Art is not a thing; it is a way."

Elbert Hubbard, American writer, 1856 – 1915.

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