Innocent Boy


F I L M  S K O O L
A   F I L M   I S   A   P E T R I F I E D   F O U N T A I N   O F   T H O U G H T

Off a lonely Texas highway, a group of hustlers prey on the desperadoes who have come for sex, drugs and Momma's special milk. When a murderous cowboy rolls into town, a young trans boy quickly sees an opportunity to feed the physical and emotional hunger that has long been ignored by the neglectful Momma.

As the boys begin to fall one-by-one, Penny is caught between the Cowboys lustful rage, and the greed and corruption that Momma represents.

Innocent Boy, a film by Brock Cravy.

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"A film is a petrified fountain of thought." Jean Cocteau, French filmmaker, 1889-1963


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