Turner Risk


F I L M  S K O O L
A   F I L M   I S   A   P E T R I F I E D   F O U N T A I N   O F   T H O U G H T

Turner Risk (Nick Fink) has been the victim of bullying since a young age. One day he decides to strike back by clearing out all the negatives in his life to effectively reboot his world. When his deadly plan becomes clear, his only friend, Robbie Cruz (Carlin James), jobless and struggling to make ends meet, teams up with his new companion Seth (Sean Cruz) and high school nemesis Conner (Rory Hart) to stop Turner - but first they have to find him. Thus begins their longest journey together: a day of sudden tragedies and, ultimately, of unexpected revelations.

Turner Risk, a film by Michael Dailey.

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"A film is a petrified fountain of thought." Jean Cocteau, French filmmaker, 1889-1963


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