Making love is the sovereign remedy for anguish


Pictures: 35-year-old City Gym Boy - and former marine - Craig Davidson.

Title quote: "Making love is the sovereign remedy for anguish." Frédérick Leboyer, French obstetrician.


Forbidden Light said...

Damn, Son, you like 'em big! That's a lot of man...

KAOS said...

I like 'em all types! But big does tend to catch the eye ;)

Prince Todd said...

Oh my god are you trying to kill me? I am going to die of a heat stroke from all of this HOTNESS!
Oh my goodness gracious and heavens to fuckin Betsy!

KAOS said...

Take a deep breath Toddy, and count to ten!

Prince Todd said...

He reminds me of Gaius Charles (Smash Williams)from Friday Night Lights...Only way more...Oh my god. I feel the vapors coming on again...
He's beautiful!
I'd give him a taste of the Debbie snack cakes...
I'm just sayin.

Cup-o-Noodles said...

holy sh*t these are HOTTTTT!

Greg said...

"Making love is the sovereign remedy for anguish."

Maybe so, but the search for that love can be anguish itself

Unknown said...

He is a WHOLE lotta man!

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