Lust's passion will be served


A little of the art of Zack, a.k.a. Oliver Frey.

There's a two part interview with Frey at Fair View: Part One, Part Two

View comic strips by Zack: Tender Bait, The Street and Teasy Meat.

Much more after the jump...

Title quote: "Lust's passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes." Marquis De Sade, French author, 1740-1814.


ManFoto Fan said...

A welcome reminder of a very underrated artist.

Forbidden Light said...

I am a longtime fan of Zack...He's super gritty..Where most artists create seamless and polished images, I get the dirt that I need so much from Zack...

Garcon, you have a GREAT eye!

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