a news compendium
with a gay bias
election special
||| "As a black, gay man I was horrified that the only remotely brown face of Conservative power - and one ostensibly in charge of our societies 'social action' couldn't even spit out words in support of equality. I can only conclude, that should Cameron and his remarkably un-evolved group take power that [GBLT] people will be a big part of his 'great ignored'." Openly gay basketball star John Amaechi slams Britain's Conservative party, and their leader David Cameron in particular.
||| "It's an elaborately executed, highly marketed, deception. A leopard does not change its spots and neither has the Conservative party." The former head of the Tory's gay campaign, Anastasia Beaumont-Bott (right), speaks out after defecting to Labour.
||| Tory MP David Heathcote also defects to Labour in response to the Conservative's record on gay rights issues.
||| David Cameron and George Osborne would merely "consider" the case for gay marriage - but they won't support it. Peter Tatchell says, "A commitment to merely consider the case for legalising gay marriage is meaningless."

||| David Cameron's links to the nastiest extremists operating in European politics.

||| "Giving the [GBLT] community the same rights as the heterosexual community is not 'a bedrock equality issue' in [David] Cameron's vision. His big society shrinks by the day."

||| Johann Hari: The Conservative Party's claim to have abandoned its long history of homophobia seems to be imploding as the general election approaches.
||| Ready for another dose of real Tory anti-gay hate? How about, Secret tape reveals Tory backing for ban on gays. Conservative MP Chris Grayling defends the Christian couple who turned away a gay couple: "I think we need to allow people to have their own consciences. I personally always took the view that, if you look at the case of should a Christian hotel owner have the right to exclude a gay couple from a hotel, I took the view that if it's a question of somebody who's doing a B&B in their own home, that individual should have the right to decide who does and who doesn't come into their own home."

||| Since April 2007, it's been illegal for commercial accommodation providers to exclude someone based on their sexual orientation.
||| Peter Tatchell wants to know: Do the Tories support anti-gay discrimination by B&Bs or not? Elsewhere, Tatchell points out that Graylings comments reflect the real Tories.

||| Soul singer Beverly Knight (right) tells the PinkPaper: "Do me a favour - next time you see [the Conservative in question] Chris Grayling, punch him in the face and tell him it's from me! His comments disgusted me."
||| And the founder of the Conservative Party's biggest group campaigning for gay rights has said she will now vote Labour at the general election after David Cameron failed to reprimand Grayling. Shame!
||| "Dave the Dodger" yet again fails to tackle gay discrimination in his ranks.
||| David Cameron deliberately omits gays from key speech.

||| Stonewall has a range of election materials on its site, aimed at encouraging all supporters of equality to use their vote on May 6. The interactive pages list the voting records on LGBT equality of all current MPs and is aimed at helping voters decide how to cast their vote in four weeks’ time.
This is vital information that you're highlighting here. Thanks for keeping us well informed.
Bravo! Let us not forget the commitments to equality last time the Conservatives were in power. In education, we are still paying for their out-of-date attitudes to sexual identity and sexual education. The recent failed Education Bill is a disaster...glimmers of more freedom in the curriculum, citizenship and tolerance...and which opposition party made that bill unpassable? Their beliefs are already in that action of resistance.
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