Beauty will be edible or will not exist


Back in December, our post on Adonis Oholi provoked a hugely positive response. So what happens when you pair a model of Adonis' calibre with talented, up-and-coming photographer Joe Hunter?

Look no further. The shoot resulted in these electrifying shots, unveiled exclusively at ka-os|theory.

Please note these pictues are the copyrighted property of Joe Hunter/UrbanHunter Photography, and must not be reproduced anywhere without the explicit permission of the photographer himself.

Pictures: Adonis Oholi and Christina, lensed by Joe Hunter at UrbanHunter Photography. Title quote: "Beauty will be edible or will not exist." Salvador Dalí, Spanish painter, 1904-89.


Eduardo Guize said...

really cool, but that girl needs to go... j/k

Roger Poladopoulos said...

ditto that, eduardo guize!

Q said...

Ditto Eduardo and Roger! lol...

KAOS said...

Stop it you tarts - just imagine you're the girl!

Unknown said...

Body for days!!!

Forbidden Light said...

Damn! Is he an Olympian Athlete in his spare time? His body is offthe charts!!!

Prince Todd said...

He's aight...
Not really my cup of Starbucks venti Vanilla latte with extra cream.

KAOS said...

I'm afraid you're a lone voice of dissent, Mister English. Though I'm surprised, I thought you'd be well in there.

Mike said...

he's hot. especially the 1st pic. but I. like the rest. is a bit. confused. about the girl. why is she even in the pictures!?

Corve said...

He's looks good...nice sex appeal in his shots 2

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