the destination for the
week's essential news
and pop culture stories,
with a gay bias.
||| Are these the 100 most powerful LGBT people in the world?
< Pride tips: How to get rid of unwanted attention
in one line or less.

> 200 of the
greatest gay bars in the world.
Left, Londons's Dalston Superstore. Picture credit:
||| Ex-gay isn't exactly over. "Is the 'new' Exodus International a kinder, gentler 'ex-gay' ministry?"
||| The conflicting relationship
between gays and religion.
||| The tempered joy of being gay and black on a day like today. "Thanks to the Supreme Court, DOMA’s dead, but the Voting Rights Act has been gutted. I wish I could celebrate in full."
The fashion world's ethics are in rags and its soul shabby. "From suicide-themed fashion shoots to tax evasion – the rag trade is notable now only for moral bankruptcy."
> Victory! The Supreme Court rules the Defense of Marriage Act
to be unconstitutional, and also dismissed a separate appeal against same-sex marriage laws in California.
||| How the decision
affects you, by the numbers.
||| Gay couples
are now eligible for green cards following the Supreme Court decision on the Defense of Marriage Act.

< Decision day reactions from Anchorage to Atlanta,
in pictures...
> What San Francisco
looked like...
||| What West Hollywood
looked like...
< What NYC
looked like...
||| Bad losers: Proposition 8 authors
have denounced the immediate restart of gay marriages in California, claiming they deprive the group of "our right to ask for reconsideration."
||| Here's all the stupid bullshit well never have to see again now that DOMA and Proposition 8 are dead.
||| The
fading future of religious opposition to marriage equality...
...In the meantime, conservative Christian outfits like the Family Research Council will continue to give us gifts
like this. That figure looks
awfully familiar...
||| The gay movement
has a much longer road ahead than it seems...
the Supreme Court rulings won't stop discrimination and hate. "It's not just about getting rid of unfair laws. We have to fight the bigotry and discrimination in our society."
< Gay equality history,
in pictures.
Left, two young men (one is wearing a dress) dance in New York's Central Park, 27th June 1971.
||| Landmarks in gay equality history,
found and lost.
It's been forty years since the largest mass murder of gay people in American history. "In June 1973, a fire broke out in a gay bar in New Orleans' French Quarter. The fire at the Upstairs Lounge took 32 lives." Meanwhile, the Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans
has apologised for its lack of sympathy at the time.
||| San Francisco Gay Pride Parades, 1970 - 1980:

< ACT UP NY's 25th anniversary reunion,
in pictures.
Left, Blane Charles.
> Mustard brand Grey Poupon (really?! Isn't that what comes out of pigeons?)
goes gay for Pride Month - and some people don't like it.
< In San Francisco, nearly 3 out of 10 homeless people
are gay.
||| Paula Deen's racial slurs were no joke, "but the celebrity chef is not unique; some Americans still haven't adjusted to the racial realities of the 21st century."
||| On the Voting Rights Act, the colour-blind have been led by the blind. "The supreme court thinks racism no longer exists at the polls. The actions of Republican legislators prove otherwise."
||| Another defeat for marriage equality in Northern Ireland.
> Plaque commemorating murdered gay bar manager Jody Dobrowski
||| Don't tell me my affair with a teacher was abusive – I'll be the judge of that.
||| The Council of the European Union
adopts ground-breaking guidelines to promote lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex equality.
< IRELAND: Court hears farmer
killed gay student for being the "devil". Joe Heffernan beat 21-year-old Eoin Ryan to death, and then phoned the police to confess, "I'm after killing a man. He came on to me and I killed him. I'm not gay or nothing, you know."
||| IRELAND: Marriage equality
to face a public vote.
Caught on tape: The fatal attack on gay equality activist Clément Meric.
> FRANCE: Prison sentence for illegal anti-marriage equality protester Nicolas Bernard-Busse
sparks new protests.

< FRANCE: Same-sex family portraits
vandalised in Paris.
What has happened to the French joie de vivre?

> ITALY: Vatican rentboy and Satanism
claims by defrocked priest Don Patrizio Poggi. He says both serving and former priests hired rentboys for sex in churches from a pimp who sold consecrated hosts to Satanists.
> MACEDONIA: Skopje Pride
attacked by anti-gay mob.
||| MACEDONIA: Petar Stojkovikj, a well-known actor and celebrity,
has become the latest victim of attacks targeting Macedonia's gay community.
first-hand account of gay pride - and protest - in Sofia.
||| RUSSIA: Anti-gay Russian laws
are about "protecting children".
< BRAZIL: Protestors
demand scrapping of the "gay cure" bill.
||| PERU: Shocking scenes
as drag queens brawl after the wrong winner is named at a pageant.
Why was there not one same-sex wedding on the day marriage equality came into force?
||| CHILE: 70,000
turned out for the Santiago Pride Parade.
> JAMAICA: Dane Lewis - head of the Jamaican gay equality group J-FLAG -
on proceedings in the Jamaican Supreme Court, where the group's education and outreach officer Javed Jaghai (
right) is challenging the Jamaican "buggery law".
||| Amnesty International
publishes a new report titled
Making Love a Crime: Criminalisation of same-sex conduct in sub-Saharan Africa, in which it states anti-gay sentiment is reaching "dangerous levels".
||| Obama nudges Africa toward gay equality;
too gently?
Setback for prosecution in gay trial against Philip Mubiana and James Mwape (
left, at the magistrates court on 8th May. Philip is pictured centre, and James is second from the left).
||| TUNISIA: Liberal Party leader Mounir Baatour
found guilty of having gay sex.
> ISRAEL: The prime suspect in the shooting at a Tel Aviv gay youth centre
incriminated himself, Israel Police say. Hagai Felician allegedly confess to a police informant.
||| LEBANON: Report
claims security forces routinely torture, beat and inflict "anal probes" on gay men.
< CHINA: Fifth Shanghai Pride Festival biggest in event's history -
but participants still couldn't march.

> JAPAN: Okinawa
to host first Pink Dot gay pride festival in July.
||| AUSTRALIA: Lawmakers
outlaw LGBTI discrimination under national laws for first time - but religious organisations, and the businesses they own, will still be able to discriminate.
< AUSTRALIA: Anti-gay Prime Minister Julia Gillard
ousted in leadership ballot by bitter rival (and marriage equality supporter) Kevin Rudd...

...Who wants a referendum on marriage equality.
Why that's a bad idea.
> Is Walle really
the world's ugliest dog? (What a perfect segueway from our last picture...)
||| The Komodo dragon's bite
isn't infectious, after all.
< This beached whale
ain't what you think it is.
||| The Rhone glacier in Switzerland is
covered with blankets to reduce ice melt...
||| Just
what are these deer
up to?
> How boys can sculpt and slim their faces
with a make-up regime.
||| Why the Supreme Court ruling on DOMA
matters to people with HIV.
||| Raising kids with HIV.
||| Could we really cure cancer
with HIV cells?
||| A quick way to make people feel bad about their whole lives.
||| The
best ways to apologise when you screw up.
< So,
why do we have sex at night?
||| Why your memory sucks (and
what you can do about it).
||| How echoes in the brain
open a window on yesterday.
Airplane electronics bans: please return your fury to the "off" position. "The prohibition on using Kindles and iPads during takeoff and landing is silly. But if it drives you crazy, perhaps it's worth asking why."
||| Facebook
introduces rainbow Pride emoji...
... will come in pretty handy for the
70% of Facebook users who have at least one gay, lesbian or bisexual friend.
||| How getting a shorter headphone cable
will change your life.
< 9 gay-themed controversies
that shook the art world.
Left, Paul Cadmus'
The Fleet's In (1934).
Talking to photographer Duane Cramer about documenting black, gay and HIV-positve lives.
||| Kevin Truong's photographs of gay men
living across the world.
Below, Carlos and Ivan in Los Angeles, and Jon in San Francisco:
< Sobering photos of what New York City
looked like before "sanitation engineering".
||| What's making is Osiris, the Egyptian god of death,
spin inside its case?
||| Don't miss this epic collection of
retro-futuristic art from Japan.
||| Go to Japan and get yourself
3D scanned and printed.
||| The most
insane television sets in history.
Reading in the closet: Authors on the books that helped them come out.
< 10
multicultural children's books.
||| The first 10 works of fiction you should read
if you've never read a book before.

Talking to Jay Bell, author of
Kamikaze Boys.
> Book review:
Bereft, by Craig Laurance Gidney. "
An outstanding contribution to the young adult genre... An author to watch."
||| New book:
Proxy, by Alex London. "In both publishing and Hollywood, this is the era of the young adult novel... but few mainstream young adult books allow LGBT readers to see themselves in the characters.
Not so with Alex London's fantastic, futuristic new novel,
||| Book review:
Pacific Rimming, by Tom Cardamone. "Cardamone
leaves us with echoes of a wild, electric energy that resonates with a powerful fierceness long after we’ve left his broken and beautiful world behind."
< Memories of Glad Day Bookshop,
the world's oldest gay bookshop.
||| How to write a sex scene
between a unicorn and a rainbow.
Broadway Pride: Gay on the Great White Way: 10 gay-inclusive or queer-friendly shows that opened during the 2012-13 theatre season.
Kinky Boots.
||| Talking to Christina Crawford about her show
Surviving Mommie Dearest.
Talking to Lloyd Daniels, star of "naked gay comedy"
||| Theatre review:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. "
Sweet, enjoyable and definitely leaves you wanting more, although it's not a production to be applauded for its innovation as there’s nothing necessarily new or daring here. The tricks are slick and the kids stars in the making."
||| Watch an interview with the Prancing Elites (
last week's cover stars). These boys are just
beautiful, inside and out.
< Why are low budget films often
more thrilling than most big summer movies?
Attack The Block.

> The
top ten gay couples in cinema. (No Noah and Wade? Really?)
Left, Johnny and Omar in
My Beautiful Laundrette...

...And the
20 worst depictions of gay characters on film.
< A sequel to the controversial gay Bollywood film
Dunno Y is in the works, attracting an all-star cast including Bollywood star Zeenat Aman.
Yuvraaj Parashar.
||| And is a
Magic Mike sequel
on the way?
||| Alan Turing's biographer
criticises upcoming biopic for downplaying gay identity.

About the Joan Crawford Awards collection held at the Robert D. Farber University.
||| Joan Crawford,
an Oscar profile.

< Alec Baldwin
brands reporter a "toxic little queen" in horrific anti-gay Twitter rant.
he's sorry, so that's okay.
||| Hollywood's refusal to stand up to Alec Baldwin is shameful. "Alec Baldwin uses homophobic slurs against a gay Daily Mail journalist, and nobody says anything? Welcome to Tinseltown."
||| Is the only way to solve movie theatres' talking and texting problem
to give in to it?
> DVD review:
I Want Your Love. "
Well worth watching if you don’t mind a film that's more interested in naturalism and trying to find some sort of truth, than being packed with drama."
Right, Brontez Purnell, the best thing about the film.
||| DVD review:
The Parade. "
A surprisingly funny film that mostly manages to pull off a tricky balance between (often rather black) comedy and full-throated anger at the violence and prejudice gay Serbians face on a daily basis." There's an alternative review
||| Trailers:
Dunno Y...2; and
Upstairs Inferno.

> Meet Paris Barclay,
the first openly gay - first African-American - president of the Directors Guild of America.
< Hand on hip,
Tyson Beckford checks in with the gurls for the T.
||| Mad Men is fun TV, but I'm glad I don't live in the 1960s. "The sixth season reminds us that while we have nostalgia for 60s fashions, we wouldn't want the era's political and social norms."

Talking to Hollyoaks' John Omole about playing a gay Nigerian asylum seeker.
Look at pictures of shirtless twinks in
Teen Wolf.
||| Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford.

||| Greg Rikaart - of the CBS soap
The Young and the Restless -
comes out as gay.
> 10 TV showrunners
that left before their time.
Right, David E. Kelley's
Chicago Hope. He left after the show's first season, and returned to perform emergency surgery on his creation in its sixth and last outing.
Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie
appear as gay couple on cover of
The New Yorker. But is it "
infantilizing and offensive"?
||| Or crass and reductive. The backlash
Doctor Who: 10 lost stories
we hope have been found.
Talking to Cakes Da Killa.
||| Listen to Cakes Da Killa...
...Still hungry? Get more Cakes
||| Frank Ocean performs three new songs live at Munich concert. Listen to them

Welcome back Sylvester. The Queen of Disco returns in spirit. "It's time for a new generation to meet Sylvester, the iconic disco queen, who died of AIDS 25 years ago. Thankfully there's a new album of greatest hits to help them do so."
||| Neil Tennant
has revealed he turned down Simon Cowell's job on
American Idol. The Pet Shop Boy says he felt producers just wanted a "bitchy gay Englishman". The full interview can be found
at Popjustice.
> ’90s music icons
on ’90s nostalgia.
||| Liberace's Vegas house
is for sale.
||| Amazon advances with Autorip - who can compete?
||| Videos: The sizzling teaser for Madonna's #secretproject; and Marck Angel (featuring Kaoz) -

Gay porn stars react to the Supreme Court's DOMA and Proposition 8 rulings.
Extremely awkward porn alert: Sean Cody's Glenn... and Pavel.
||| Lucas Entertainment
have just released a scene featuring Arpad Miklos, the model who committed suicide in February. Should they have locked it in the vault?

> Bad news: Hotrod
has announced he's "done with porn/adult films". Guess that dream pairing with Diego Lauzen ain't gonna happen...
< Photos of François Sagat's fans
wearing his T-shirts.

Talking to Remy Mars.
||| The
gigantic racist dildo.
||| Isha Sol - a teenage girl from Singapore -
writes about why she loves gay porn so much.
||| Do we know whether pornography harms people?

< Adrian Hart (formerly Flava Works model Logan Heart) and Sean Zevran
are looking hot on the Randy Blue set.
> Meet Matthew Simmons, a former marine
who's been crowned Mr. Gay World USA. Simmons was also am ActiveDuty model, and
got busted for it.
< Anthony Nicodemo, a gay high school basketball coach outside New York City,
comes out to his team.
||| Ex-NFL player Chidi Ahanotu
says opponents would seek to injure openly gay players.
||| Just who are the
gay male tennis players in hiding?

> Warwick University Rowing Club
pose nude for the Ben Cohen Stand Up Foundation, to raise money to fight bullying.
< Epic! Every Lego "minifig" ever produced, in a
photographic timeline.
||| 20 secret passageways and rooms hiding in plain sight.
||| The
tallest abandoned building in the world.
||| The sweetest comeback in the history of EVER!
> The fur coat
made from chest hair.
||| And finally, how to handle online gay reaction; Rogue "Marbie" Scott vlogs; Davey Wavey mentions the unmentionable; and from the archives, the last known footage of Joan Crawford.