
a news compendium
with a gay bias
 WEEKLY | Issue 123 | June 2012 | FREE | be.told. 


< Gay Pride Paris. In pictures.

||||| The cult of gay masculinity.

||||| Michael Lucas on reasons for Pride and Shame.

> Pride parades around the world...

...And in pictures. Below left, Samba Chesterfield, Director of the Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe, prepares to hoist their official flag alongside the Zimbabwean flag during a belated commemoration of the May 17 International Day against Xenophobia and Transphobia in Harare. Below right, Jorge Aravena and Maximiliano Hott kiss during a session in the Chilean senate after approval of an anti-discrimination bill.

||||| Could it be that in the fight for equality, Pride is starting to do more harm than good?

||||| In defence of Pride.

< Remember to celebrate the Stonewall Rebellion, a night that changed our world.

||||| The Closet Monster: A hall of shame.

||||| Vanishing voices. "One language dies every 14 days. By the next century nearly half of the roughly 7,000 languages spoken on Earth will likely disappear, as communities abandon native tongues in favor of English, Mandarin, or Spanish. What is lost when a language goes silent?"


||||| Cities across the US celebrate gay pride.

> New York City was one of them. In pictures.

< Obama pride!

||||| Toronto Gay Gamers celebrate geek-on-geek love in Pride Parade.

> And whilst we're in Toronto, why not check out a the Pride Underwear Show?

< Oreo unveils rainbow cookie for Pride.

||||| Harlem's getting gayer.

||||| Cyndi Lauper launches Forty to None project for homeless gay youth.

||||| Bronx Gay and Lesbian Center to close after being crippled by scam.

||||| Woman allegedly raped in Manhattan gay bar after Pride Parade.

< Jamal Brown on finding the courage to tell mom you're gay.

> Minnesota church closes over Rev. Oliver White's support for marriage equality.

||||| Couple "shocked" when their wedding photo is used in anti-gay ad.

||||| Prop 8 equality foe switches teams.

||||| The National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the largest US Latino rights group, has announced its support for marriage equality.

||||| Jazz junctions - riding New York's A Train.

||||| In New York, the last beam has been lifted into place atop 4 World Trade Center.


< Londoners launch last ditch £66000 fight to save World Pride. Extravagant plans for next weekend's event are in tatters with floats cut, a rally in Trafalgar Square axed, and a huge street party in Soho cancelled.

||||| London's World Pride? It's really WorldShame.

||||| Nevertheless, Pride London will still host a World Pride summit to change anti-gay global laws.

||||| UK Black Pride set to take place 18th August.

||||| London school suspends Sunday church groups over "homosexual offenders" leaflet.

||||| Former Tory chairman Norman Tebbit claims there's no such thing as marriage inequality, as gay's can already marry people of the opposite sex. He also believe siblings should be allowed to enter into civil partnerships.

||||| London 2012: McDonald's uniforms get a Mad Men makeover in time for the games.

||||| A look at London's new river-spanning cable car.

||||| Take a 3D tour of London Tube stations.

||||| The great myth of urban Britain.


< FRANCE: This is Louis-Georges Tin, one of three French activists who have been on hunger strike for five days, to force new President François Hollande to act on gay rights at the UN.

> GERMANY: Gad Beck, thought to be the last gay Jewish survivor of the Holocaust, has died. He was 89.

< GERMANY: Three quarters of a million turn out for Christopher Street Day pride parade. In pictures. More pictures at Überlin.

||||| My 48 hours in Berlin for Gay Pride.

> SPAIN: The Gay Pride High Heels race in Madrid, 28th June 2012.

||||| SPAIN: The Real Academia Española - the Spanish dictionary - has added "gay marriage" to its definitions.

||||| ITALY: Milan celebrates 20 years since first symbolic gay marriages.


< CUBA: Gay activists stage kiss-in "to raise awareness of their continued oppression in the communist nation". Blabbeando takes a detailed look at the situation.

||||| CHILE: 80,000 show up for Santiago's twelfth annual pride parade.

||||| HONDURAS: US politicians demand action over some 70 gay murders.


> UGANDA: What America's war on Somalia militants has to do with Ugandan homophobia.

< CAMEROON: 20 gay activists attacked by mob.

||||| SOUTH AFRICA: Murder suspect of gay man Thapelo Makuthle caught.


||||| MONGOLIA: Gay Mongolians see flickers of progress amid fear and ostracism. Nationalist gangs see homosexuality as a western import.

||||| INDIA: Mumbai celebrates three years of legal gay sex.

> LAOS: First gay pride celebrated in communist country's capital Vientiane.

||||| AUSTRALIA: Tim and Nic get married.

< AUSTRALIA: Coroner reopens investigation 1988 death of 27-year-old American Scott Johnson.

||||| AUSTRALIA: Salvation Army says unrepentant homosexuals deserving of death...

...But subsequently retracts the statements made by a senior official, and apologises.


> ISRAEL: Pride parade in city of Ra'anana scaled back, moved to parking lot.

||||| IRAN: Respected publisher Cheshmeh shut down for "promoting homosexuality, incest, and sexual relations between men and women outside marriage".


< Review: Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders, by Samuel R. Delany.

||||| "It's happened to everyone — suddenly, you’re seized by a vague, faint memory of a book you read somewhere, sometime, but can’t put your finger on what it was called or who wrote it, or even enough of the plot to Google your way to the answer." What Was That Book? could be the answer.

> 10 of the strangest apocalypses in literature.

||||| 15 famous authors on why they write.

< Science fiction films re-imagined as pulp classics.

|||||  Queer, literary, cinematic: The recent gay bookshelf turns up great finds.

> Incredible pop-up books for adults.

> Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki's amazing 3D sketches.

||||| Check out these wacky vintage postcards.

< Photographer Ashkan Honorvar's pictures of wounds made from candy and ice cream. Or could it be the work of the Kandy Man?

> The summer of loveliness: Tom Bianchi's Fire Island: The Book is a time capsule, based on some 6000 photographs taken by the shutterbug in 1975.

< It's 1979, and these are the Venice Beach roller skaters that were.


> East End Film Festival launches its boldest gay program yet, with Call Me Kuchu - the award-winning film on gay struggles in Uganda - making its London premiere.

< Last year, Shane Bitney Crone lost his boyfriend Tom Bridegroom, who died after falling off a roof. Now Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, the creator of the sitcom Designing Women, is trying to raise money to make a documentary about the aftermath of Bridegroom's death. Support the project.

||||| Barbra Streisand and Larry Kramer renew war of words over The Normal Heart.

||||| Chuck Norris attacked over anti-gay scouts article.

> Glee star Harry Shum Jr.'s gay film role in White Frog. Oz legend BD Wong also stars. Check out the film's official website.

||||| About gay Korean director Kim Jho Kwang-soo's new film, Two Weddings and a Funeral.

< This is a billboard for The Dark Knight Rises.

||||| 15 unforgettable summertime coming-of-age movies.

...And 10 movies that make us hate summer.

||||| What are the most beautiful movies ever made?

||||| 10 of the scariest movie trailers. Be afraid.

Juicy: The most notorious co-star feuds in movie history.

||||| Speaking of the devil... Here's Joan Crawford on a 1970 talk show.


||||| Hatewatching: shouting about rubbish TV. "Broadway drama Smash has inspired a new trend: revelling in bad television."

< Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford. Left, Lucas in Dutch soap Good Times Bad Times.

> Dallas renewed for second season.

||||| Former Will & Grace stars "pray for a gay child".

||||| Is the Doctor going to get a lesbian alien assistant in the TARDIS?

||||| Starting to feel old, '90s kids? Check this out: Every item inside the time capsule Nickelodeon buried in 1992.

||||| '90s TV's most memorable nerds: Where are they now?

||||| '90s TV characters and their contemporary equivalents.

< The 10 best TV shows about TV shows.

||||| US TV shows, mapped.

||||| The books that replace your favourite cancelled TV shows.


> The new Pet Shop Boys single, Winner, is out Monday 2nd July. The album Elysium is out in September.

||||| George Michael's return.

||||| Former X Factor winner Shayne Ward speaks out for marriage equality. Let's remind ourselves why we liked Shayne to begin with.

< One Direction boys Harry Styles and Niall Horan share an "intimate moment" on stage.

||||| Leaked: London 2012 Olympics playlist.

||||| behind the scenes of D’Angelo's Bonnaroo set.

||||| Someone's offered Chris Brown and Drake $US1million to fight. If they were to accept, they'd subcontract minions to step into the ring on their behalf, and pay them somewhere in the region of a $1 an hour. Because this is America.

||||| Looks like lost neo-soul star Lauryn Hill is heading to jail.

||||| Jamaican musician Diana King has come out as a lesbian.

Revisiting Hi-Five’s 1990 debut album.

||||| Detroit techno God Kevin Saunderson's four-disc, 49-track retrospective KMS 25th Anniversary Classics is out now.

||||| 10 bands that really need to call it quits.

||||| A hip-hop family tree.

||||| watch Tyler, The Creator's short film Sam Is Dead.

||||| Videos: Rapping book titles! Plus: Dominic Lord - Pierce; The Bullitts – World Inside Your Rainbow; and the brand new Freaky Boiz video!


||||| Why porn and journalism have the same big problem: Nobody wants to pay for their products.

< Erik Rhodes and the big picture. "The death of a porn star shouldn’t be cast aside. The loss has a lesson for our community that it for too long has ignored."

||||| Getting to know Anthony Romero.

> Anthony Romero's New York Pride aftermath.

||||| Bel Ami kickstarts effort to preserve Mizer archives. You can help too!

||||| Professional rape victim Johnny Rapid gets raped again!


< Portraits of Ottawa's crack addicts, by photographer Tony Fouhse.

||||| HIV: Are you clean?

||||| HIV risk lower in gay dads.

||||| The vaccine that stops nicotine reaching the brain.


||||| The damage we've done to our planet over just 20 years.

> Richard Allenby-Pratt's photographs of an abandoned world inhabited only by animals.


||||| Google celebrates 100th anniversary of gay war hero's Alan Turing's birth

||||| All kinds of wrong: Richard O'Dwyer, digital copyright infringement, and UK extradition law.

||||| Microsoft Surface vs. Apple's iPad.

||||| Facebook just changed your email without asking. Here's how to fix it.

||||| Minitel: The rise and fall of the France-wide web.

||||| Atari is 40.


||||| The 2012 Euro Games have opened in Budapest. Gay athletes from 34 European countries will take part from 27th June to 1st July. Visit the official site.

||||| New York Knicks basketball player Amar'e Stoudemire fined $US50,000 by NBA for calling fan a "fag".

||||| Introducing the Turnikmen, Ukrainian street gymnasts. With no shirts on.


||||| Begging the question.

||||| 7 credit myths even smart people believe.

< People to avoid on planes.

||||| Photos of diner food, and the waitresses who serve it.

||||| Lego haunted house.

||||| 100 things to do instead of procrastinating on the internet!

||||| And finally, why Davey Wavey is gay - AND SOBER! And Martin Jr. gets sexually harassed.

Issue 123: 23-29 June 2012

Read the last edition.

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