
a news compendium
with a gay bias
 WEEKLY | Issue 120 | June 2012 | FREE | be.told.


< This is gay student Darnell "Dynasty" Young - pictured with his twin brother Darell - who has been expelled for firing a stun gun at school - in self defence.

||||| There's a video of Darnell here, supported by his twin, and his mother, who appears at the end of the clip and says, "Different is good, you hear?", as Darnell breaks down.

||||| Gay hate murders topped 280 in Brazil and Peru last year. A report by Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB) puts the risk of a gay man being murdered in Brazil is 800% higher than in the US.

||||| Out Magazine unveils its annual Power 50 list.

> Gay navy veteran Cory Huston proposes to homecoming US marine Avarice Guerrero.

How to make a male polyamorous relationship work: Meet Franco DiLuzio, Mark Lander and Vinny Vega, who have been in a serious, closed polyamorous relationship for two years.


< Luka Magnotta arrested in Berlin.

> And this is Magnotta's victim, 33-year-old Justin Jun Lin.

||||| In Tennessee, a gay student profile in a high school yearbook has provoked outrage, with a school board member calling for sacking and police investigation.

> This is 14-year-old Kenneth Weishuhn, who committed suicide on 15th April, after friends "turned on him" and set up a homophobic Facebook page.

||||| Human Rights Campaign shows only 37% of gay youth in America are happy; non-accepting families and school bullying biggest concerns.

||||| Courts rule "gay" is not slander; New York appeal court throws out lawsuit based on false claim it is "shameful" to be called gay.

||||| West Hollywood gay hotspot bans hen parties; founder says, "They are completely unaware that the people around them are legally prohibited from getting married."

Remember Robert Hart and Dennis Jay Mayer, the couple arrested in Dominicia for having sex in full public view on the balcony of their cruise ship? They blame onlookers at the port, and cruise organiser Atlantis Events, for their predicament.

||||| African-American support for gay marriage increases in the states of Missouri and Pennsylvania.

> Obama: the first "gay" president...

...but will it cost him votes?

||||| Surprise! Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was a gay-bashing high school bully.

||||| Michelle Obama on why she supports marriage equality.

||||| White House issues gay pride proclamation.

||||| Caption this: Obama and Bush, in the White House.

||||| Video of toddler singing "Ain't No Homos Gonna Make It to Heaven" in Indiana church goes viral. "Congregation of Apostolic Truth Tabernacle erupts in thunderous applause after the song; Pastor now getting death threats."

||||| "A high percentage of gay men in school grounds molest boys, partly because they don’t have AIDs yet." Watch delusional homophobic rant.

< One Million Moms target JC Penney for gay dads ad.

> One Million Moms target The Gap for gay couple ad.

||||| One Million Moms target Urban Outfitters for gay couple ad.

||||| One Million Moms leave Facebook after Green Lantern post backfires.

||||| Gay porn interrupts Canadian morning news.

||||| Non-Hispanic white births are now, for the first time, the minority; black, Hispanic, Asian and mixed-race births made up 50.4% of new arrivals in the year ending in July 2011...

...And this is Desmond Hatchett, left, a 33-year-old from Tennessee who has 30 kids by 11 different women - clearly doing his bit!

LA riots: How 1992 changed the police.


||||| UK best "place in Europe" to be gay; Russia, Moldova, Ukraine and Macedonia bottom the list.

||||| In the wake of the Diamond Jubilee, let's look at what Queen Elizabeth II has done for gay rights. In a word: nothing. "Among the 621 charities [she is a patron of], she is not patron of a single LGBT rights organisation. By contrast Elizabeth II is patron of the Mother's Union – an anti-gay charity that has campaigned against the right for marriage equality."

< Meet Seringe Tacko Mbengue, Asuman Kabugo, Andrew Lukkalu and Proscovia, four gay activists who are in danger of being sent back from the UK to their deaths in Uganda and Senegal. Change.org have a petition.

||||| Was Jesus gay? Probably. Paul Oestreicher, chaplain at the University of Sussex, says, "I preached on Good Friday that Jesus's intimacy with John suggested he was gay as I felt deeply it had to be addressed."

||||| Here's a new video by campaign group the Coalition for Equal Marriage, featuring a soldier proposing to his partner.

||||| Stonewall takes on global gay workplace rights.

||||| Tory councilor leaves obscene message on bisexual independent councilor's phone: "With a bit of luck you'll get AIDS."

||||| London Mayor Boris Johnson fails on gay manifesto. Johnson has previously referred to gay men as "tank-topped bumboys".

||||| British gay couple win lottery jackpot.

||||| Why is the NHS failing gay men? Gay equality charity Stonewall "fears lack of trust may discourage men from accessing crucial health advice and testing."

>This is 24-year-old firefighter Robert Fleeting, who hanged himself after drunk gay sex with a colleague. Fleeting was enaged to be married and left five suicide notes.

||||| 28-year-old Christopher Hunnisett convicted of murdering lover Peter Bick, 57. Hunnisett believed Bick was a paedophile, even though there was no evidence that was the case.

||||| Male prostitute found guilty after killing university professor. 20-year-old Polish sex worker Pawal Rodak stabbed 64-year-old Roger Gray 114 times after being asked to engage in S&M.

The London borough of Hackney's beauty and ugliness, in pictures.

||||| Asian grooming: why we need to talk about sex.

||||| Stalled regeneration schemes: Living in the ghost streets.

||||| Boffins are to study so-called "dark tourism" - where tourists travel to sites of death, brutality and terror, such as Auschwitz or Ground Zero - at a dedicated centre for academic research in the north of England.

||||| Why London is France's sixth biggest city.


||||| EU to spend €20m on global gay equality causes - but African, Caribbean and Pacific countries boycott the launch of the development package over gay equality agenda."

||||| DENMARK: Parliament overturns ban on same-sex marriage.

< ITALY: IKEA Italia extends employee benefits to same-sex couples.

||||| VATICAN CITY: Vatican slams American nun's book. "Professor Margaret Farley's book Just Love challenges Catholic views on homosexuality, masturbation and divorce."

IRELAND: Inside an empty town.

SPAIN: Squatters take over newly built abandoned buildings.

> FRANCE: Paris parking fail.

||||| POLAND: Safe house for Euro 2012 gay football fans; Warsaw to host Euro Pride House as safety fears mount.

||||| UKRAINE: Gay pride organiser beaten by thugs, and gay photo exhibit vandalised in Kiev.

||||| RUSSIA: Mob halts Side by Side LGBT Film Festival and chases organizers.

||||| RUSSIA: Moscow bans gay pride for 100 years.


||||| BRAZIL: New anti-homophobia bill criminalises homophobia.

||||| COLUMBIA: Court protects gay couples right to express affection publicly.

||||| COLOMBIA: Gay hairdresser Juan Francisco Fernández Cuello gunned down in the city of Barranquilla - reportedly 2012's fifth homophobic murder there.

||||| ARGENTINA: The city of Buenos Aires passes resolution that approves the marriage of foreign couples - regardless of their nationality or sexual orientation.

PUERTO RICO: Lorena Escalera, a transgender performer described as the "Puerto Rican Beyonce", has been killed in a fire which engulfed a four-storey building in Brooklyn. She was 25. Escalera performed with the House of Xtravaganza, and went by the stage name La'reina Xtravaganza.


||||| Amnesty International: Gay persecution has surged in Africa.

||||| TUNISIA: The minister of human rights, Samir Dilou, has rejected a UN demand to decriminalise same-sex acts, saying they are incompatible with Islam.

> MALAWI: New president Joyce Banda uses first state of the nation address to announce repeal of gay sex ban.

||||| ZIMBABWE: Robert Mugabe hasn't been made a UN "leader for tourism" by the UN's World Tourism Organisation, it turns out.

< SOUTH AFRICA: OUT Well-Being activists turn detective to solve eight gay murders in Gauteng Province. HIV and AIDS activist and television presenter Jason Wessenaar was one of the victims.

||||| SOUTH AFRICA: Traditional leaders want no rights for gay people.

> SOUTH AFRICA: Apartheid in the 1970s, in pictures.

> SOUTH AFRICA: Can rugby bridge the racial divide?

||||| KENYA: Blackmail gangs target gays.

||||| UGANDA: Activists open first gay clinic in Kampala, to treat people with HIV/AIDs. Frank Mugisha, founder of IBU and Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), says, "We have had people thrown out of hospitals because they are gay or known that they are gay."

< NIGERIA: 153 dead after passenger airliner crashes into buildings in Lagos.

> NIGERIA: How singer Iyanya Mbuk missed the flight.

||||| CAMEROON: Evangelical rector Jean-Blaise Kenmogne has come out in defence of gay equality.

||||| GAMBIA: No room for "evil" gays, says president Yahya Jammeh.

||||| LIBERIA: Vigilantes threaten to kill gay activist Joe Wiah's family.


||||| SINGAPORE: Pink Dot launch campaign video. Find out more about Pink Dot here.

< JAPAN: 2,500 march in Tokyo Rainbow Pride. In pictures.

||||| JAPAN: Tokyo Disneyland performs u-turn, and now says it welcomes gay weddings.

||||| CHINA: Beijing LGBT Center evicted by landlord following complaints by neighbours.

||||| CHINA: Gay stigma helps spread HIV.

||||| CHINA: The bewildering face of China, in pictures. Right, 3-year-old Lu Hao.

> VIETNAM: Most gay street children, adolescents in Ho Chi Minh City engaged in the sex industry, study finds. Picture: Streeteyes.

||||| SOUTH KOREA: Saturday 2nd June saw the 13th annual Korea Queer Love Festival in Seoul.

||||| FIJI: Island nation's first pride march cancelled.

||||| AUSTRALIA: Celebrities endorse marriage equality; video...

...But bigoted Prime Minister Julia Gillard still opposes it.

< AUSTRALIA: Opposition leader Tony Abbott is upset about satirical "gays on boats" poster exposing him as homophobic, racist and sexist.

||||| AUSTRALIA: Billionaire to build Titanic II.

> INDIA: Escaping the heat wave.


||||| IRAN: Four men - named Saadat Arefi, Vahid Akbari, Javid Akbari and Houshmand Akbari - are due to be hanged for sodomy, in accordance with Shari’a law.

||||| KUWAIT: Gay men targeted in mass arrests of party-goers for vice and immorality.

||||| UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Two men are jailed for three months for alleged public gay embrace.

||||| UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Belgian man jailed for gay relationship after Filipino boyfriend plummets to his death in Dubai.

||||| ISRAEL: Government rejects marriage equality bill.


< The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America has approved Truvada, the daily pill that prevents HIV transmission among healthy people.

||||| 80% of HIV positive people unaware they can buy life assurance.

||||| Teens drunk on hand sanitiser.

||||| Curry chemical's ability to fight cancer put to the test.

||||| Phoenix, Arizona: The capital of the forgetful.

||||| Clayton Littlewood on how he avoided a female stalker by blurting out his love for a pair of well-built, rugby playing twins.

||||| Lucid dreaming: The rise of a nocturnal hobby.

||||| Should people accept that pressure is a fact of life?

||||| Life after lust. The appeal of sexless marriage.


||||| The vast reservoir beneath Africa.

||||| Arctic melt releasing ancient methane.

< FRANCE: Cargo ship kills whale.

||||| SPAIN: Gay penguins in Madrid zoo get egg to care for.

||||| INDIA: Leopard shot after injuring 13 in residential neighbourhood.


||||| Meet IsAnyoneUp's Hunter Moore: The net's most hated man.

||||| Facebook tests "pay to promote post" tool.

||||| Google gets Nevada driving licence for self-drive car.

How the Swiss Army knife has adapted to remain a cutting-edge tool.

||||| The light bulb that will last more than 20 years.

||||| The universal plug socket.

||||| Why we should get rid of traffic lights.


OUT Magazine lays off entire editorial staff. Editor says sister publication to The Advocate will continue under new arrangement.

||||| Desiderata: In defence of obscure words.

||||| Are these the most offensive ads of all time?


Talking to Eating Out - Drama Camp actor Aaron Milo.

< Joe Manganiello pleasures MTV Movie Awards audience in sexy fireman drag.

||||| John Travolta tried to have sex with Grease co-star Jeff Conaway: claim.


> Be happy or die: In 1988, the BBC screened three episodes of Doctor Who about cottaging, entrapment, homophobic bullying, gay teen suicide, gay pride, and drag queens. As The Happiness Patrol is released on DVD for the first time, ka-os|theory takes a look beneath its chipped gloss enamel surface...

||||| Talking to Gale Harold about the Queer as Folk convention Rise'n Shine 2012, where all nine actors from the main cast will appear together for the first time since the show ended in 2005.

||||| What happens when successful TV shows outlive their creators and stars?

Why didn't The Cosby Show herald a new age of black sitcoms? "The Cosby Show broke the mould for US sitcoms – but 20 years after it went off air, where are its successors?"

||||| BBC News mistakes Halo UNSC for United Nations.

||||| Gay tolerance, landmine avoidance, and getting people sewing: How soap operas changed the world.

> Hollyoaks' Ste and Doug swap spit!

||||| Ceefax: A love letter.

||||| Welcome to Gay China TV. Talking to Xiaogang Wei, founder of Queer Comrades, China's online gay TV channel.

||||| Kathryn Joosten, the actress best known for her role as Karen McCluskey in Desperate Housewives, is dead. She was 72. Joosten had been battling lung cancer for 11 years.


< OMG! Tyler Trenton and Lamar Love!

||||| Filesharers to get letters demanding compensation after courts force ISP to hand over customer's names and addresses.

> Gay Japanese pornstars Koh Masaki and Kong promote safe sex in Taiwan.

< Pattaya Pride Rear of the Year 2012, in pictures.


> Former NFL player Wade Davis on coming out.

||||| Plans to hold joint Gay Games and World Outgames in 2018 collapse.

||||| London 2012 Olympics "fail" on gay visibility.

||||| Euro 2012 a gay equality dilemma.

||||| Federación Mexicana de Futbol (Femexfut), the Mexican football association, has criticised footage of Christian Benítez and Matías Vuoso sharing a celebratory "kiss" on the pitch.

< Alexander Dale Oen, the Norwegian swimming champion, is dead. He was 26.


||||| Inside America's oldest pet cemetery.

> Automata in the modern age.

||||| So, just why does the 1970s get painted as such a bad decade?

||||| Vidal Sassoon, the celebrity hairstylist, is dead. He was 84.

||||| And finally, Martin Jr. tells us why he will not suck dick for success!

Issue 120: 16 April - 08 June 2012

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