Here's to men. Bless their clean-cut faces and dirty little minds!

at the MOVIES

hree career girls - Hope Lange, Suzy Parker and Diane Baker - attempt to survive the New York publishing world, bad love affairs and the asphalt jungle in Jean Negulesco's The Best Of Everything (1959).

Taken from a trashy bestseller in the tradition of Peyton Place, shot on location in glorious Technicolor and Cinemascope, it's a glamorous tale concerning the lure of New York on young girls with big dreams, as they experience their first tastes of life, love and loss in "the Big City". Various obstacles along the way include conniving suitors; Louis Jourdan and Robert Evans, lecherous wolves; Brian Aherne and bitchy bosses. The bitchiest being Joan Crawford, chewing up the scenery along with the competition in her first co-starring role and one of the best reasons to catch The Best Of Everything. Steve Hayes

(Syndication is with the kind permission of Steve Hayes.)

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