This is 15-year-old Kasey Gordon, the second teenager to be murdered in London this year.
Gordon was stabbed to death in Tottenham, north London, yesterday. Three other boys - aged 14, 15 and 16 - were also stabbed, but their injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.
19 teenagers were murdered in London last year.
19 teenagers were murdered in London last year.
Note: Don't Die Before You've Lived is a series of ongoing entries recording the murders of teenagers in London. Although not necessarily GBLT-related, the desperately premature loss of these young boys deserves our full attention. Please take a minute to remember their names, their faces, and spare a thought for these kids who really did die before they lived.
ka-os|theory is a London-based blog.
ka-os|theory is a London-based blog.
This has become far more than just terribly sad or tragic! Jai? WTF is going on there? Why are these teens losing their lives in such violence seneless acts?
Does their sexuality play a part of this mystifying equation? Not being our country/kingdom/area, what is it that we are NOT seeing, not getting, not understanding?
R.I.P Young King.
It's gang culture, not a problem unique to London.
Does their sexuality play a part of this mystifying equation?
I don't think that is an issue - as far as I know, these kids are all straight...
Indeed. This problem is NOT unique to London. The waste of a young life is the certain death of potential, no matter where one calls home.
I feel dumb saying R.I.P.
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