That first excursion was a journey through a thread on entitled, "I Have Sex With My Twin Brother". Today, we'll see what the great and good of really think about HIV.
The thread is Would You Take A Picture With Someone Who Is HIV+. (Yes, really.) Enjoy (or not)...
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dl_legendz |
dl_legendz: I feel kinda bad because this really nice HIV+ guy asked me to take a picture with him & I had to politely turn him down. I told him that I have a reputation to uphold & people might start thinking that I am HIV+ when I'm not. I don't know what it is but people who are HIV+ just make me feel uncomfortable. Would you take a picture with a person who is HIV+
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just_voyage |
just_voyage: You're an idiot.
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sportsboy255 |
sportsboy255: How the f***k are those people gonna know he's HIV+? Idiot....
_deon_: you so damn stupid.... you cant take a picture with one but yet aint asking for no kind of proof from the millions of niggas you THINK are trade yet dipping and duckwalking behind your back to be in those failed ass flicks you call porn.... i tell ya depth: I AM SURE DUDE WITH OVER THE 600 PEOPLE THAT YOU CLAIM THAT YOU HAVE HAD SEX WITH YOU HAVE BEEN WITH ATLEAST ONE HIV PERSON ALREADY, SO GET OVER OVER IT. AND THAT REPUTATION THAT YOU THINK YOU HAVE, ITS ALL READY low
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alonzothomas |
alonzothomas: No way. Cause I heard this thing on the news that if you even get within like five feet of someone who is + you might have a slight chance of maybe someday if you have sex without a condom get the disease. So I'm like f***k that man...I really hope that this thread is a joke.
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_deon_ |
_deon_: you should feel really bad for being that dumb but i guess thats the appeal you going for.... the "i barely passed my ged exam cuz i could barely count to five and had to use both hands" look. i tell ya
_deon_: you know what get me...... he so concerned about taking a picture with somebody positive but has no problem posing in bgc defaults with the cast of high school musical..... oh its okay for the kids to not think you taking pictures with people with hiv but its okay to be known for f***king underage smottoms on random xtube and nubian101 clips....
victor_creed: wow...dude i dont know what to say to that...what immediately comes to mind (and please dont take offense) is that ur actions were cowardly. To stigmatize someone based off what someone may think from you taking a picture with we have got to change peoples perception of this disease... Peeps with HIV arent dirty, nasty, EVIL or anything else that regular people arent. They are our brothers, sisters, aunts, mothers, fathers, and grandparents...Yo thats somebodys son. Dont you think he gets enought shyt from people for being gay AND HES POSITIVE so hes catchin shyt from the gay community too? And to treat him like that...Damn man. Thats fukked up. Yo we gotta do better man...or this disease is gonna take all of us outtta here...
dl_legendz: Well if he told me that he is HIV+ then I'm sure he has told others. When I typically see someone who is HIV+ taken pictures with people I assume they all are HIV+ because if most gay guys have got to the point of taken a picture together then they probaly have done something sexual before. I think?
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un3xp3ct3d |
un3xp3ct3d: Wow. That shows your maturity level. And who cares about REPUTATION these days? I mean really?? What's it gonna get you in the long run. PLUS if people thought you were HIV+ and treated you the way you treat would u feel?
dl_legendz: You're right we do have to do better as a community but image is everything & I don't want people to think that I am HIV+ when I not. That could possible fu*k up future potential sex partners or friends because of false pretenses.
dl_legendz: Because I think if people see and/or think you hang around HIV+ people then they will assume that person is also HIV+ and ulitmately that person will start attracting HIV+ people whom are looking for sex, friendships, etc...
dl_legendz: Why do HIV+ people get so offended when someone speaks about HIV? I mean Cancer patients talk about their struggle with cancer. People with Diabetes talk about how their disease. Life is hard & not fair but I bite my tounge for noone.
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2sik2breal |
2sik2breal: dl im not gonna front like i kno u and s***t but damn u mus b a real wanna b in the hood niggas must laff at u behind ya back i seen ya videos thier not even cool that boyh wit the bandana over his mouth look like he 16 and ya forums are just ridic. even tghe 1 about ya son but us ttilll dippin wit gays sad s***t mah dude like and image srry thiers no image for u that s***t is just horriable i got no look im not try to bash u but im sick of seeing ya comments on s***t that i read thier so ignorAANT ARROGANT AND SAD DAMN SHAME...
dl_legendz: I don't surround myself around fake niggaz so I dnt worry about anything when i turn my back and if you don't like my porn then don't watch it problem solved.
dl_legendz: I told you I feel kinda bad for not taking the picture with ole boy. What do you mean the gay community outcast HIV+ people? Sh*t I'm HIV- and I feel like i'm the outcast(no pun intended) but I dont think I should have to go around apologizing because I'm HIV- everytime I see/meet a gay guy.
jkardashian: i mean your not cute so i don't know why he'd wanna take a picture w/ you anyways.
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defyinggravity1 |
defyinggravity1: You know I have a family member who passed from HIV/AIDS and he would still probably be living if he didn't feel ashamed to get the help he needed... it's people like YOU who make it hard for them to survive with your shallow ass thought process trying to be cute on BGC... whether it was for attention, or for real! GROW UP! May God have mercy on your soul... and yes I took a pic with my cousin and him holding me as a baby... and I am proud to be in a memory with a HUMAN BEING that was a loving and caring person... despite his circumstances!
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_envy |
_envy: if this is the kind of dumb fuck'ry that is gonna be posted i think ima jus quit comin in the forums. pure fuck'ry.
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switch5 |
switch5: NO disrespect, please don't take offense to this, but are you f***kin retarded? I'm POSITIVE an most of my friends aren't, most people wouldn't even think that I was. WOW, your so worried about what others will think of you, f***k what the next b***h thinks of you, what do you think of yourself love? I'll seriously pray for you right now. "You have reputation to keep," well answer me this what does my HIV have to do with you, I'll wait,......NOT A GOT DAMN THING!!!! Please don't let ignorance run your life. Kids lets get education!!!
dl_legendz: No Disrepect but when I get around people whom are HIV+ I feel uncomfortable. I won't drink after them, eat after them, have sex with them, shower after them, etc..
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bewitched |
bewitched: Jesus.... why haven't you been crucified for your idiocy? the depravity of your existence sickens me to NO END.
bmoreupnya: I think my IQ went down from reading this
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thewhites |
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pay4it |
pay4it: You have the be the saddest most uneducated sounding person I have even read a post from ..I am glad you didnt take the pics he should be ashamed to be around a closed minded fool such as urself thats prob the main person HIDING Hiv..grow up
defyinggravity1: OMG is this boy still getting slayed on here lol! It's been DAYS now lol! I mean not saying he doesn't deserve it, but damn! Check him and see if he still has a pulse because you all have read, slayed, kicked, dragged and HADOUKEN his ass all over this FORUM LOL!!
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brand0n |
brand0n: GOODNIGHT BGC...i officially can not take this site for a while. THIS FOOL REPRESENTS US...and theres a whole lot of them out there who are so ignorant that it makes it hard for the rest of us who know how to read-- get a job...ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING....GOOD F***KING NIGHT
dl_legendz: Unfournately I see no benefits from surrounding myself around people whom are HIV+ if I am HIV-. I wanna smoke a blunt and talk to my niggaz about all the sexy girls and guyz we've done piped on over the years. I can't do that with a person who is HIV+ because I think about them killing each(literally). I wanna show my friends my HIV negative results and them actually be happy for me. I wanna be able to walk down the street and get at a bit*h without them thinking that I got some kind of disease because I hang around or took a picture with someone whom is HIV+. I wanna get drunk and get wild in da club without some HIV+ person trying to hit on me because they think it's okay to approach me. Look, you know da saying "Birds of a Feather...." well I don't wanna be gulity by association.
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atl_violin04 |
atl_violin04: personally ole DL LEGENDZ lol......i would be rather embarassed to take a picture wit yo frog lookin ass PERIOD! And one more thing..dl niccas don't have their pictures posted all on a f***g site (wink)
dl_legendz: I am not the only person in the gay community and/or heterosexjual community that has a "phobia" per say towards people with HIV. I have been taught ever since I was knee high to a grass hoppper to protect myself sexually so I can stay HIV- and I have listened and followed directions. I have sacraficed many nights that I could have had unprotected sex with some very sexy individuals but I declined because I didn't have a condom. Essentially I would be throwing all that hard work straight down the drain if I decided to pair up with someone who is HIV+ because then potential sex partners/business partners/friends/associates will ASSUME something that is not true and I would be stuck in a unnecessary compromised situation.
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bag_of_fun |
bag_of_fun: How f***king ignorant can one person be. Your c***t ass said a picture; you would have thought the guy asked you for sex, please do BGC a favor and delete your account now...SIMPLE B***HES...make me exhausted....
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dj_high_life |
dj_high_life: you know what i cant even knock you on this.... cause i use to feel the same f***king way... when i was in school they would be like you have sex unprotected or before being married or if you are gay then you will get hiv its will take 6 months to show up then with in 3 years you will get aids and die... so for 6 7 8 grade heath this is all i knew... my gay ass have gay sex imma get it and die... so when i was in college and even a few years ago when i first went pro as a dj i always thought how cold people do that to them self and get hiv... so when a hiv person hit me up i ws stay looking down at them becuase i thought i knew how nasty they were based off what i was taught.... but when i something told me to go get tested and i went to a aids center and after i tested (negative) i talked to the people there and learned about the virus... you need to be educated too homie... just getting tested is not enough... when i hear the news talk about h1n1 im like they should say the same about hiv... cause it is so easy to get that s***t outside of sex... so my point is i know how you feel but understand no one woke up and said i hope today is the day i test positive... but we do have to live with it in the world...
dl_legendz: I see what your saying to an extent but I really think that's why alot of people are constantly getting infected with HIV because they get "comfortable" around people whom are HIV+ and they let their guard down per say and start treating them as if they are HIV-. I am blessed to say I have been HIV- for 27yrs & I think I have stayed HIV- by using the typical "ignorant" methods. I don't have contact with people whom are HIV+, I don't drink after them, I don't eat after them or have sex with them no matter how much I educate myself on HIV prevention. I strongly believe in "out of sight, out of mind" theory.
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hbiclumu |
hbiclumu: whoa... *closes door
dl_legendz: Maybe we are looking at HIV from 2 different perspectives but my so-called "ignorance" has allowed me to stay HIV- negative & i have passed my so-called "ignorant" techniques down to other young MSM whom look to me for guidance and direction which I am proud to say they are also HIV-
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computa_luv |
computa_luv: Well yall dont have to bash the brutha. All he did was ask a question but he didnt sound too stupid. Besides the reputation part. Either way at least you told the guy politely, instead of cursing him. Me, I probably wouldn't have gave a damn to take a picture cause I taken pics with fake ppl, murders, child molesters, sexist, hiv+, family members who's used me....ect. So it wouldnt have bothered me to take a pic. So I guess it can be a different sense in KNOWING cause some ppl can talk on here or wherever (whether male, female, or trans) what they'd do and wont do, but if someone came up to them and said they were hivp and wanted a pic. They'd probably freaked out once they heard HIV and ran with they heard POSITIVE! And last thing...shyyt he might have said something crazy, but at least he was being honest and bold to say something you thought was stupid. Hell a lot of ppl aren't even that about themselves cause if someone else who's str8 knew you were gay. They probably wouldnt want you around meaning (celebs having gay fanz but dont like them, family, str8 frenz), and probably wouldnt want a pic either! Not saying all people are like that but trust me, a lot of yall have been around those who talk about gays but they dont even know they're talking to one in from of them hahaha! OH WAIT!!!, I forgot to add in those who are gay/bi and talk about gays to keep their REPUTATION as str8 hahaha!
(This is a representative sample of the comments displayed on the forum. Repetition between individuals has been omitted. Comments and pictures are already in the public domain and have been reproduced here for the purpose of review.)
hahaha coudn't say it better than Della!
ouch, i think a few of my precious braincells died reading that. to the neurology ward! stat!
Sorry, Boy - they're all out of braincells. Apparently there was a run on them. maybe you could start a thread on BGCLive about it? ;)
is this for real?! Next thing they'll tell you that blogging with someone who's HIV+ will kill you. Didn't you know that HIV virus can transmit themselves digitally over fiber optics...
*disinfects keyboard inside the new LHC particle accelerator*
Dusty, you can get HIV just by someone positive, like, looking at you, dude. Don't you know that?
One word... Foolishness...
Wow. Forums do lure out the fools.
Oh my god...
I used to frequent BGClive two years ago. Never EVER again. lol.
The queens on there are just L-A-T-E!
It's actually very sad. They predicate their self worth based on how high they rate (lol).
Once, sat right next to a BGClive forum member. Anyway, he was checking his inbox--while yacking on the cell phone--bragging about how his "stellar" ratings meant he was cute...
He looked nothing like his pictures. They had been heavily airbrushed. Online he was a fashion model. In person his skin was so full of craters it looked like the surface of the moon!
I second what Taylor said. The more things change...I don't know how I miss this segment of your blog, are you gonna do more of this in the future?
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