*Broadway Bares 9.0 - pictures and video here and here.

*The Gay Generation Gap.

*"Our Dangerous, Depraved, Sometimes Hilarious Sex Lives". It's the Queer Issue 2009.

*Boys boys boys (in Times Square) recreate Stonewall (below left).

*A trailer for yesterday's Saint At Large dance party:

*Apparently, not all gays are "godless Christian bashers". More's the pity...

*SAUDI ARABIA: "Imitating a woman" and "displaying homosexuality"; 67 Filipino migrant workers are arrested at a drag party. They face six months imprisonment and 60 lashes. Those A-rabs just don't have a sense of humour.

*ISRAEL: Our brothers had a better time of it in Jerusalem, where 2000 marched peacefully - and largely without harassment - in a gay pride parade. "The marchers waved rainbow and Israeli flags and donned rainbow dresses, shirts and headbands".

*POLAND: Warsaw has an openly gay Rabbi.

*NORTHERN IRELAND: "One in five people in Northern Ireland would mind having a homosexual person or a migrant worker living next door". Ouch.

*USA: This little boy (right), adopted at 7 months by a gay couple, is badly in need of a bone-marrow transplant; The Seattle Times story opened the floodgates on racist and homophobic diatribes.

*USA: Why does the gay rights movement lack a figurehead in America?

*Meet the man behind Gaydar.

*Baby baby baby baby baby... welcome to the Gayby Boom. Baby. (Personally, I'd rather get a well-trained mutt).

*And the baby boy who really is a baby...

*"I only eat, like, maybe twice a day." See, boy models do diet.

*Naked Harlequins raise awareness of male cancer.

*As ill-advised advertising goes, this really takes the biscuit. Insane.

*Never Use White Type on a Black Background and 50 other Ridiculous Design Rules.

*In search of the snow leopard...

*Ever seen a Bolivian caterpillar? Or is Donald Trump's hair trying to make a quick getaway?

*Worm porn!

*Animals on drugs!

*The mystery of Siberia's flattened forest.

*A Cardboard Cloud in Norway.

*"The financial crisis and high oil prices caused the growth of greenhouse gas emissions to drop by half in 2008", the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency believe. Maybe that was the banker's fiendish scheme all along...

*Long-term climate forecasts are worthless, boffins say.

*Earth's coastlines after sea-level rise, 4000 AD. Bad luck if you're in Denmark.

*Africa could feed the entire world. Bet you didn't see that one coming.

*How to fix a problem like Chernobyl: grow stuff.

*The earthquake invisibility cloak!

*NASA is a metric martyr.

*Windows 7: good and bad news for UK users.

*Someone's made a robot that eats flesh. Well gee, that's a great idea.

*The extraordinary life size model of a foetus: the new must-have accessory for every self-respecting anti-abortionist!

*Forget a cure for AIDS - what everyone's really interested in is a cure for baldness. And Botox could be the answer.

*And grey hair protects us from cancer, apparently.

*How sweet: "Europeans are among the most sugar-sensitive people in the world".

*She hasn't eaten anything in three years (no, it isn't Courtney Love).

*Talk to the right ear!

*Woolworths - which went bust after 100 years of trading earlier this year - is back. The brand was re-launched this week as; 100,000 shoppers log on within a few hours of the site launching.

*London Underground train operators are to slip the words of Gandhi and Albert Einstein into service announcements. The London metro system has also been named the world's most culturally advanced public transport provider in the world. Transport for London have released these pictures to publicise the Underground In Bloom competition.

*It's all going a bit wrong, isn't it Boris? Our racist Mayor has lost another of his cronies. Ian Clement is the third deputy mayor to depart in disgrace since Boris Johnson came to power a little over a year ago.

*They're a familiar site on London streets: red rubber bands, used by postman, and usually discarded like confetti. The charity Keep Britain Tidy has had enough.

*A £12.5m upgrade of the London Eye has started; each pod will be removed, one by one, and replaced with a replica.

*Hardcore porn - but is it art?

*Abercrombie & Fitch are in the dock over claims they relegated an amputee to the stock room within days of her starting work. The brand itself has had "six quarters of poor like-for-like sales figures worldwide, culminating in drops of 25% in the last quarter of 2008 and 30% in the first quarter of 2009".

*Trolley dollys work for free! At least, they do at British Airways: "6,940 employees had volunteered for unpaid leave, part-time working or unpaid work by 24 June".

*London-based bank Barclays buys the name of a New York City subway station. How revolting.

*Big boy Henry Simmons snapped leaving Barnes & Noble in Los Angeles. Sigh.

*"People were more upset that I kissed a man on the mouth than I killed a man. It's interesting to see how people can pardon you for murdering a man, but they can't pardon you for kissing one. It's a very interesting approach to morality in our days, so you see there is an incredible amount of hypocritical judgment over those things," Antonio Banderas talks to the New York Post about his role in Law of Desire.

*Oops! Brüno upsets the Austrians. Ain't that a surprise.

*The BBC is to ban "malicious intrusion, intimidation and humiliation" following a review of its editorial standards.

*EastEnders slips in a reference to Michael Jackson's death - the very next day.

*The 10 best soap exits. (None of them are, by the way, and some of them aren't even soaps. Idiots.)

*The worst 10 Rock star actors. Despite forever-cool 80s flick Labyrinth, David Bowie makes it onto the list.

*I don't do vampires. Not my thing. But I might just have to start tuning into True Blood...

*Virgin Atlantic's Flying Without Fear program helps get Whoopi Goldberg back into the air for the first time in thirteen years.

*Picture perfect boxing babe Air Khan covers July's issue of Esquire.

*Inspired perhaps by fellow soccer slut Cristiano Ronaldo, Rio Ferdinand has taken to dressing like a half-price hooker circa 1986.

*What really happened to French rugby star Mathieu Bastareaud in New Zealand?

*McDonald's scalds live chickens to death, and not everyone is lovin' it.

*More than 60,000 inmates are sexually abused in US prisons each year, according to a report by the the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission.

*The death of Neda Soltan. Caution is advised should you watch the following footage, which is said to be "extremely graphic and disturbing":

*Farrah Fawcett joins the Eclipsed Celebrity Death Club.

*"The desire for collective emotion leads only to false emotion", Hadley Freeman writes in The Guardian, on the subject of our collective response to the death of Michael Jackson.

*Michael Jackson in 50 pictures.

*Farrah Fawcett, the actress, 2 February 1947 - 25 June 2009.

*Michael Jackson, the entertainer, 29 August 1958 - 25 June 2009.


"You know, we might just as well not have bothered to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."



There's reindeer, serial killers and men with no teeth.

Find out if Timaya finds his way home.



29 August 1958 – 25 June 2009

Goodbye, and thank you, sir. I wish it hadn't gone so wrong for you.

"I'm sorry... I should have tried. In the beginning, I should have tried to help you." ELSEWHERE - BBC NEWS Singer Michael Jackson 'is dead'


A LITTLE CHICAGO HOPE for ya'all. Model Marlone Starr spent spent five years with the US Army as a medical specialist in Hawaii before attending Cosmetology School in North Carolina. He's currently a personal trainer. I don't actually know what Cosmetology is. I could Google it, I suppose. But I ain't gonna. That would involve looking away from Marlone (sigh)... Worse still, Marlone is fam - in a pretty big way. Doncha wish your boyfriend looked... ELSEWHERE - Marlone Starr (Official MySpace)


LAST WEEK THE news broke that DJ Sonique is suffering from breast cancer.

The London-born DJ and singer is best known for her hit It Feels So Good. First released in 1998, it was a hit two years later, and was promptly hijacked by the mass market and given a crumby video that middle-class Chardonnay-swilling straight thirty-somethings would approve of.

But before that, back in 1998, there was this video, set in a moonlit forest, and in which a black boy and white boy dance around one another, embrace, and caress one another's faces. That sort of positive imagery, shown on national television alongside Britney Spears and Nelly, meant the world to me as a teenager. It said, "I'm we're, we're here, black and white together. We've got each other and we don't care what you think." I love Sonique for giving me that precious gift back then, and I wish her the very best in her struggle.


Model Junior Carrasquillo, lensed by William Lords. Not much to complain about here, what? Junior is a Red Model. EVERYTHING LENSED

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