Why, you dirty, no-good louse!





Rock Hudson, Robert Stack and Dorothy Malone tackle another hard boiled melodrama directed by Douglas Sirk in The Tarnished Angels (1957), based on the novel Pylon by William Faulkner.

This follow-up to their 1956 hit Written On The Wind teams up the successful trio along with veteran character actors Jack Carson and Robert Middleton in a fast paced, exciting screenplay about the lives of stunt pilots during the Great Depression. Hudson gives one of the best performances of his career as a disillusioned, alcoholic reporter who is inspired by the risk taking of the aerial daredevils and Dorothy Malone brings a sad–eyed pathos to the role of the wife who threw her life and her dignity away for the man she loves. It’s Sirk at his best and Hudson, Stack, Carson and Malone at the top of their game.  Steve Hayes

The Tarnished Angels is out now.

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