Issue 195: Pink Pistols, Kazaky, Ken Dahl, Kris Evans, Freaky Boiz, HotRod, Darryl Stephens, Michael Sam, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

| ponder on this |

Our three-way relationship isn't your business. Even if we’re doing business. "Call us a ‘thruple’ if you must. My boyfriends and I are happy together, even if it makes some people uncomfortable."

Twenty-two reasons why queer history is important.

Godless millennials could end the political power of the religious right. "America is becoming less Christian because young people are less religious. That’s not blessed news for conservatives."

Dear straight people. "Don't be fooled. Much has been made about race politics in Dear White People, but the film has a definite gay agenda."

It's time to abandon the "acting white" theory once and for all. "Dear White People doesn’t look like my university class. Real students have more trouble getting on the elevator of white privilege."

Mainstream politics is imploding. Is discontent with globalisation the cause?

Men create gods after their own image, not only with regard to their form but with regard to their mode of life


A boy's best friend is his mother

at the

No one celebrates Halloween like Alfred Hitchcock, especially with his masterpiece of the macabre Psycho (1960).

Brilliantly shot, edited and with a classic score by Bernard Herrmann, Anthony Perkins in the role of his career brings to iconic life a lonely motel clerk named Norman Bates. With solid support from Vera Miles, John Gavin, John McIntire, Patricia Hitchcock and in an Oscar nominated turn, Janet Leigh, a web of suspicion and suspense is slowly woven leading to a climax that will leave you breathless. No one who has ever seen Psycho ever forgets it. Neither will you. 

Happy Halloween from The Tired Old Queen at the Movies!

Steve Hayes

Issue 194: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, HustlaBall, Derrick Gordon, Sinéad O'Connor, Ezra Miller, Mapplethorpe, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

| ponder on this |

Has the gay community forgotten its poor?

Nakedness in a digital age.

Raúl Alcaraz Ochoa: Why you should help me get gay people out of detention.

Why is the all-male shower scene such a hot button for straight guys?

Pity poor Oscar Pistorius and Ched Evans – their CVs ruined, for ever. "Forgive me for not sympathising with the killer and rapist whose careers might be compromised by their actions."

Issue 193: Brontez Purnell, Frank Ocean, Ken Dahl, Diego Lauzen, Shrien Dewani, hazing, sex slaves, voodoo, Twin Peaks, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

| ponder on this |

Five things gay men should stop doing now.

They died in the closet.

Where getting married can get a same-sex couple fired.

Thirty-seven percent of Americans say homosexuality is wrong. What about the rest of the world?

Eleven ways race isn't real.

The problem with Raven-Symoné picking and choosing her identity.

Our bullying corporations are the new enemy within. "The demands of business dominate our politicians and embed inequality. It’s a full-blown assault on democracy."

Oil prices are plummeting. Here's why that's a big deal.

The plane that fell from the sky. Buzz Bissinger 1981 article about the story of TWA Flight 841.

Issue 192: Barbie Boy, Ken Dahl, Dallas, Diego Lauzen, Luka Magnotta, ebola, favelo Pride, Ferguson, Saeed Jones, and more...

the week's
& pop
with a

| ponder this |

Five times the UN resolved, then failed, to end homophobia worldwide.

Racism is so insidious, even black people underestimate it. "Another day, another senseless killing. These days, firsthand experiences with covert racism make defensiveness not just understandable, but warranted."

What I learned protesting in Ferguson.

When did "human rights" become a source of shame?

Inequality really is rising, no matter how you fuss with the data.

Why it takes 13.75 hours of minimum-wage work to earn a Metrocard in New York.

Poverty isn't just about not having much; it's about never knowing how much you're going to have.

Nine fascinating facts about the four hundred richest Americans.

Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us.

Why are lattes associated with liberals?

Privilege: That’s the only area where private schools excel.

Stephen Fry is wrong about being the only person harmed by his cocaine habit — just look at Colombia. "Cocaine-driven conflict in the country has cost 220,000 lives and displaced about 4.5m people from their homes."

Cyclists v the rest of the world – can we please call a truce?
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