a news compendium
with a gay bias

< Out Magazine's 100 Most Eligible (Gay) Bachelors. Left, Olympian Josh Dixon, and right, kaos favourite Le1f.

||| Will the media stop the pity for homophobes?

||| Obama honours PFLAG founder Jeanne Manford at The White House.
||| Gay teen Stacy Dawson and his boyfriend can go to the prom!
||| Four gay men who were aboard the distressed Carnival Triumph are finally home.
||| Five teenagers arrested for beating, robbing gay man they lured to Oregon park.
> Man charged over New York gay strangling death. 23-year-old Lleuyel Garcia is alleged to have robbed and murdered 54-year-old Joseph Benzinger in a Queens motel. Benzinger is the third gay man to have been strangled after an online hook-up.

||| Washington DC is the gayest place in the US.
< Does New York need a gay hotel?
||| Fire Island's Pines Pavilion rise from the ashes in time lapse video.

> This is 32-year-old Charles Omishore, a thief who had sex with men in London's public toilets, and then stole their mobile phones and wallets, over a ten year period. Westminster Magistrates' Court has given him an anti-social behavioural order (ASBO), barring him from every public toilet in central London.
||| Anti-gay Liberal Democrat MP Sarah Teather faces protests after voting against marriage equality. Christian Teather wanted to protect "the link between family life and marriage".
||| The Equalities and Human Rights Commission tells MPs all registrars should be required to carry out ceremonies for same-sex couples, even if they object on religious grounds.
||| More than 40% of London has had, or would have, gay sex.
||| Ofcom, the telecommunications regulatory watchdog, fines Muslim channels for saying "gays should be tortured". Radio Asian Fever host Sister Ruby Ramadan said, "‘Torture them; punish them; beat them and give them mental torture."

||| Why Russia is defying the global trend towards gay equality?
||| Peter Tatchell on a Pope who opposed human rights. Gay groups react to the resignation.
||| FRANCE: National Assembly votes for "Marriage for All" bill, granting equal marriage and adoption rights to same-sex couples.

> ITALY: Gays kiss in squares, supermarkets, post offices and hospitals on Valentine's night to protest against lack of equality.
||| BELARUS: Scare tactics, raids used on gay clubs, following a gay equality group's attempt to register for official recognition as an NGO.
< JAMAICA: Javed Jaghai, a student and gay equality activist, files a complaint with the Supreme Court against the country's anti-sodomy law.
||| GHANA: Cardinal Peter Turkson - a favourite to succeed Pope Benedict XVI - is a defender of African anti-gay legislation.
> UGANDA: David Cecil, the British producer of "gay play" The River and the Mountain, appeals deportation.
||| UGANDA: Canada cuts funding to an Evangelical group working in Uganda, over its promotion of anti-gay views.
||| CAMEROON: Human Rights Watch tells President Paul Biya to take action to protect lawyers who are receiving death threats because they are defending gays.
||| INDIA: Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch urge the Indian government to review legislation criminalising same-sex relations.
||| INDIA: Police arrest 30 gay party goers in Mumbai for dancing "indecently".
< SINGAPORE: Gay couple Gary Lim and Kenneth Chee go to the High Court to abolish the law that criminalises gay sex.
||| PHILIPPINES: The world's only gay political party - Ladlad - launches election campaign.
> AUSTRALIA: $AU100,000 reward offered for information about the 1988 death of American-born mathematician Scott Johnson.

||| Sea slug's "disposable penis".
< Animal pictures of the week. Left, escaped llamas in an English village.
||| How I abstained from gay sex for a year in order to give blood.
> In the UK, the number of gay men having bareback sex soared by 26% between 1990 and 2010; boffins think this explains the rise in gay men contracting HIV.
||| Three in four HIV positive people cancel insurance after diagnosis.
||| Will the ban on HIV organ donation research be lifted?

||| Hey! Is that a fat person in public?
||| Sleep: Why it's quality and not quantity you need, and how to get it.
||| Electronic cigarettes - miracle or menace?
||| Facebook removes "Bareback" sex page after it receives more than 20,000 likes.
||| Need support for Gmail or Facebook? Good luck.
||| eHarmony founder claims marriage equality has "damaged" his business, and claims the forced launch of a gay dating site meant "we literally had to hire guards to protect our lives, because the people were so hurt and angry with us were Christian people, who feel that it's a violation to scripture."
||| William Shatner condemns user-generated news site Reddit for allowing anti-gay hate and racism.
||| The computer that never crashes.
> New Basquiat exhibition reveals the master behind the hype.
||| A new gay Jewish children's book - Purim Holiday, by Elisabeth Kushner - is launched.
||| USA Today covers gay erotica for the first time.
< Review: What Comes Around, by Jameson Currier "...should be lauded for his creative decision to avoid the all-too-common formulaic trappings of most current novels written for and about gay men. Here, the focus is not on sex. Rather, the emphasis is the considerable lengths a man will go to in his lifelong search for true love."
||| DC Comics defends choice to hire anti-gay writer for Superman.
> Darryl Stephens still looking fine in Gary Lennon's A Family Thing. It's on at Stage 52 in Los Angeles, until 17th March.
||| Talking to Gary Lennon and Chris Fields about A Family Thing.

||| Review: A Family Thing. "A story that has a few interesting ideas but is for the most part predictable and boring."
> Revisiting a 1973 tragedy on-stage. "The creators of Upstairs, a new musical, hope to give voice to the victims of an arson fire at a New Orleans gay bar."
||| The Laramie Project, and its sequel Ten Years Later, both of which deal with the impact of Matthew Shepard's murder, return to New York.

< Here's the poster for Continental, Malcolm Ingram's new documentary about the iconic bathhouses of the late 1960s and 70s.
||| Brother Outsider film-makers talk Bayard Rustin documentary on 10th anniversary.

||| Daniel Radcliffe on getting asked about playing gay sex scenes: "You never see a gay actor getting asked what it's like to play straight."
||| James Franco doesn't have a gag reflex. "Guess I'm a natural... It was my first time."
||| The best pick-up lines in film history.
||| Coming soon: A film about gay activist David Mixner. Now, how about our own Peter Tatchell?
||| Why it matters that the new Die Hard movies suck.
||| Imprisoned OJ Simpson has suddenly decided to be gay, apparently.
< Review: Black Sunday. "Mario Bava reinterpreted the Hammer aesthetic with an even greater emphasis on violent and gory content. It is a testament to his abilities that he married this sensationalism with a lush homage to the studio bound horror movies of the Universal era and introduced many of his own recurring narrative motifs."
||| Long-running shows: not for newcomers? "Can you start watching a new show eight series in, or will it always prove completely impenetrable?"
> Sizzling Mechad Brooks ain't just a pretty face. He talks about racism and anti-gay hate to the Windy City Times: "As this country evolves, we become more liberal... I think a watershed moment in sports is going to happen — if not this year, then next. I happen to know quite a few NFL players, and they are pretty open in the locker room about the guys who are gay. They're out to their teammates, but not publicly. I think that stigma is going away. Let me put it this way, man: It 10 times worse to be homophobic than gay, it's 10 times worse to be racist than a minority, it's 10 times worse to be sexist than it is to be a woman. Eventually, those of us who are living our truth have to be brave and speak up, and the people who would try to diminish that need to be ostracized. It's not OK to be homophobic, racist or sexist. We're past that. You want to live like that? Go somewhere else."
||| You can watch the Necessary Roughness star talking to HuffPost Live here.

> Actor Jensen Ackles strips for PETA.
||| Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford.
||| Coronation Street's Michael Le Vell charged with child sex offences. Le Vell has played mechanic Kevin Webster on the soap for 30 years.
> Downton Abbey's Rob James-Collier talks about his character's gay scandal. "He borderline stalks Jimmy. He turns into an Edwardian sex pest."
||| Doctor Who at 50: The Best Doctor Who Episodes of All Time #1: An Unearthly Child. "Imagine watching the Doctor's first-ever appearance without prior warning: that first trip through time, dripping in the psychedelia of the 60s, is mesmerising even now."
> Review: Doctor Who - The Ark In Space. "Body horror and Old Testament apocalypse define the invasion and corruption of white, middle class purity by other alien races and radical classes, with Nerva's individuals becoming uprooted, isolated, anxious and alienated when confronted by the Other."
||| Ken's surprise Doctor Who Valentine's date!
||| Chandler Massey and Freddie Smith steam it up in the shower on Days of Our Lives, and check out the pilot for Sean Anthony's new "dramedy" webseries No Shade.

< The Freaky Boiz got themselves a sexy lil website!
> "Gays are cool and not people who are out to rape you or anything," Ghanaian musician Wanlov the Kubolor tells radio host.
||| Meanwhile rapper Azealia Banks calls Perez Hilton an "evil faggot" (again).
||| Reflections on Frank Ocean's Grammy Awards.
||| Frank Ocean to go off the radar for two years and write "in remote locations".
< Guess who was the only one sitting as Frank Ocean won a Grammy Award?
||| Toni Braxton wants to play a lesbian.
||| Sinéad O'Connor's pretty pleased about the Pope quitting. "I would like to congratulate Pope Benedict on his wise decision to retire before the very worst of what has been going on is discovered."

< Listen to Zebra Katz - Sex Sellz (Teeth remix).
||| Videos: The Irrepressibles' Two Men In Love - read more; and Marck Angel's Nothing.
< Meet Isadore Hall, the State Assemblyman who wants to make bareback porn illegal in the entire state of California.

> Wanna massage from London Woods (aka Cocky Boi)?
||| Max Ryder got scammed in Paris!
||| So, which one of the Bel Ami boys did the Pope fuck?
||| Stripper Circus Hookies 2013, in pictures.

||| Remembering Arpad Miklos, by Josh Ryley.
||| Remembering Arpad Miklos: The industry sounds off.
> Karim (aka Christian Bouthillette), the COLT model, is dead. He was 52.
||| Corbin Fisher model Meyer tells all on Jerry Springer, in "Honey I'm Gay For Pay"; Diego Lauzen and Wagner Vittoria dance off; talking to Arquez; and watch the trailer for Lucas Entertainment's Kings of New York Season 1.

||| Robbie Rogers' coming out shows the transformation of sports.
> Blackburn Rovers footballer Colin-Kazim Richards under investigation for anti-gay abuse in Brighton.
> "Manimal" Kenneth Faried is the first NBA player to join Athlete Ally.

||| White South African Oscar Pistorius charged with murder after shooting his girlfriend dead.
||| Russian coach blames gays for wrestling's axing from the Olympic games. "If they expel wrestling now, that mea
< Forget Sports Illustrated, here's the Outsports swimsuit issue.
||| And finally, Davey Wavey discusses racist dating profiles; Walter Lee Hampton on "choosing" to be gay; gay-on-gay shade; and introducing our cover star, Dr Jungal Juliajuice!
09-15 February 2013
09-15 February 2013
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