the destination for the
week's essential news
and pop culture stories,
with a gay bias.
< The
hottest 100 male models.
Left, Rob Evans.
||| Coming out:
Is it always something to celebrate?
||| Why gay men and straight women
are best friends.
||| The
rise of the gay feminist.
> This is 24-year-old Timothy McCormick, an emergency medical technician who made an It Gets Better video in 2011.
He died in an ambulance accident last Saturday.
||| Art as suicide prevention
for gay youth.
||| Meanwhile
the Westboro effect continues as money keeps rolling in for
The Trevor Project, the gay youth support group.
||| 75% of bullied gay gym class students
feel unable to tell a teacher.
||| Watch a gay man
take down anti-gay preacher on subway, fellow passengers applaud...
...But elsewhere on the New York subway,
no one helped Urena Morel Frankelly (
left) and his boyfriend, who were verbally and physically attacked. Police are looking
for six suspects.

> Is this Harvey Milk's marriage license? The man who found it
thinks it is.
< Gay cop Mitchell Grobeson's
25-year battle with LAPD.
||| Bradley Manning
and the appalling silence of the gay community.
||| Algerian taxi driver Elhadi Sakhri
jailed for serial rapes of gay men in Manchester's gay village.
< MP Sadiq Khan
receives death threats for supporting marriage equality.
||| "Kill gays for kissing" extremist Muslim
tells students.

> Last mass for gay Catholics
held in London's Soho.
< This is 22-year-old Jayce Carberry,
who was left humiliated after being forced to reveal his positive HIV status at a job centre.
||| Gay travel firm Mantrav files for insolvency
after Gran Canaria hotel troubles.
||| A
day in the life of Peter Tatchell.

> Peter Tatchell
recalls the dirtiest, most violent and anti-gay election in Britain.
||| Who killed Terry McCartney? The gay activist's mother
wants answers.
< This is 16-year-old Peter Hagan,
who was murdered at a house party in Wandsworth, south-west London, last Sunday. The day before, 19-year-old Joseph Burke-Monerville (
was shot dead in Clapton, east London, whilst sitting in a car with his twin brother.
||| Why have the white British left London?
||| Pope Benedict XVI:
We should celebrate the departure of a revolting villain.
||| Pope's resignation
linked to inquiry into "Vatican gay officials".
Remembering Mario Mieli, Italy's "first gay intellectual".
||| TURKEY: Court rules gay sex
is natural.
> JAMAICA: Supermarket
attacked by gang of gay men in drag. (Really? REALLY?)
||| Make sure to read Gay Jamaica Watch's take on this story.
||| PUERTO RICO: Supreme Court
upholds gay adoption ban. Famous Rican Ricky Martin
Tweeted, "How sad. This I see as turning your back on childhood. So many orphans wanting to have the warmth of home."
< PUERTO RICO: 200,000
rally against gay equality. Joe. My God.
features video, noting that school children were bussed in for the event.
||| UGANDA: David Cecil - the British "gay play" producer -
says most Ugandans are not anti-gay.
||| GHANA: Cardinal Peter Turkson - favourite to become the next Pope - reckons African culture
protects against homosexuality.
||| INDIA: Gay rape victim
speaks out.
||| AUSTRALIA: Gay kids
bullied by teachers as well as other students.
||| ISRAEL: HIV infection among gay men
up 55% since 2005.
||| When cats are outlawed, what animals should replace them as pets?
||| Dogs are people, too.
< Yeah, human beings
really are sick f**ks.
||| Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh)...
||| Animal pictures of the week.
Below, a leopard seal chases a Gentoo penguin in Antarctica.
||| We love sloths. Here's a baby one.
||| The
secret that can stop HIV in its tracks. "You are safer having unsafe sex with someone who is HIV positive and being treated than with someone who doesn’t know their status."
||| Gays can't have sex. "Gays can't have sex. We can have only 'safer sex' or 'protected sex' (where condoms or any other form of barriers are used). The sad part of 'protected sex' is that it implies that sex between men is not safe, adding to the load of homo-negativity and internalized homophobia that we have to cope with on a regular basis in a straight-dominated world."
||| Coming out as HIV-positive.
||| Is HIV
being shortchanged?
< The ABCs
of HIV.
||| Hepatitis C in HIV positive gay men
at an all-time high.
||| An
illustrated guide to recognising insane people from 1883.
||| City living "
makes it harder to concentrate".
||| Why we're not in a Cyberwar with China.
< The
dark side of gay dating sites.
||| Hotmail users, time to move to Outlook,
like it or not.

||| The 5 big questions Dell
will have to answer to survive.
> The 3D printing pen
that lets you draw in the air.
Check out Atlanta artist Philip Bonneau's awesome "Heroes/Villains” photography series.
||| Talking to Hamid Zaher about his
searingly honest memoir about what it was like to be a gay man in Afghanistan.
||| How gay is Proust?
||| Superman comic's anti-gay writer Orson Scott Card
faces backlash from major media.
< Photos
of our bookshelves.
||| Jonathan Harvey's
Beautiful Thing to enjoy West End revival 20 years after its debut.
||| Talking to Rick Ian Gordon about
Green Sneakers, a mini-opera about the AIDS-related death of his partner.
||| Review:
The Laramie Project Cycle. "Our national imagination has a natural tendency to forget the distinct, immediate heat of galvanizing tragedies so vividly captured in
The Laramie Project.
This one is worth a reminder."
> Review:
From White Plains. "
Directing his own play with a sure hand, Perlman doesn't short-change any of his characters — each member of the talented four-man ensemble (rounded out by Craig Wesley Divino as Ethan’s best friend) has a clearly defined emotional life worthy of careful consideration."
||| The not-so-gay Super Bowl. The Academy Awards, the so-called Gay Super Bowl, isn't as gay-focused as it should be.
||| US TV network Here TV
calls for gay films and TV shows for New Frontiers Film Project.
< BFI London Lesbian And Gay Film Festival 2013 programme
Taboo Yardies is one of the films that will be screening.
> Third East London Fringe! gay film festival
announced for 11-14 April.
||| Time's running out to support An Abominable Crime: Anti Gay Violence in Jamaica, a documentary from film-maker Micah Fink which explores anti-gay hate in Jamaica through the eyes of two people.
||| Australian censors
ban Travis Mathews'
I Want Your Love; the film depicts unsimulated sex.
||| The
quintessential American movie of every decade, 1920s-present.
||| They've cast a blow-up doll as April O'Neil in the
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies. Joyless hack Michael Bay
has renamed the film
Alien Turtles, just to give you some idea of how bad it's gonna be.
||| Have 3D films had their day?
< Classic European sci-fi movies
you probably haven't seen – but you should.

> Review:
Dracula. "An adult fairy tale,
Dracula has plenty to say about the 1950s - socially, culturally and historically - and British attitudes to sex and violence and the autonomy of women in a rapidly changing society."
||| Trailer: Lee Galea's
Monster Pies.
||| A change of pace: do TV dramas need to slow down?
||| Hollyoaks actor PJ Brennan
reveals he gets taunts from gay people as well as straight.

Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford. Left, gays fighting in

> Meet
Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome's
new guy candy.
Kids DVDs for gay adults. "Sometimes the best time to watch shows aimed at kids is when you're all grown up."

> The Cybermen
get a Polish makeover.
||| Nate Berkus
reflects on the death of his partner in tsunami in Sri Lanka.
First gay male to compete on
America's Next Top Model.
||| Watch as a quarterback comes out to his team-mates as gay in
Necessary Roughness.
||| Nielsen - the body that collects ratings data in the US -
has redefined "TV" to include devices like the iPad and Xbox.
||| What that means for our favourite shows.
< More
behind the scenes pictures from
Doctor Who's fiftieth anniversary biopic,
An Adventure In Time And Space.
||| Elspet Gray, the actress,
is dead. She was 83. Gray appeared as Chancellor Thalia in the
Doctor Who story
Arc of Infinity (1983).
||| Bob Godfrey, the animator,
is dead. He was 91. Godfrey's work on
Roobarb, the children's classic about a warring cat and dog, brings a smile even to the dourest of souls. But as Eddie Mair says in the
Newsnight clip below, "He'll be best remembered for that green dog, pink cat, and those birds who were always laughing. They're not laughing tonight."
> "I felt like I was skydiving. It was glorious," Frank Ocean
has said about winning his BRIT Award. "Before this year I didn't get many trophies in my life, and I’m definitely a long way from working fast food in New Orleans so thank you for this!"
||| Frank Ocean
has recorded 11 songs for his next album.
< Blue's (bisexual) Duncan James (and friend)
flaunts it on Instagram...
And reminisces about his naked Blue days.
||| Talking to The Irrepressibles' Jamie McDermott about his new album, being gay in the music industry, and the men he's loved.

> Rylan Clark and JJ Hamblett from
The X Factor boy band Union J
get intimate.
||| Boy George
is half the man he was.
More of Madonna's twink plaything, Brahim Zaibat, anyone?
||| Somebody please pull Oprah's lips off of Beyonce's ass.
||| Mark Kamins, Madonna's the DJ/producer who helped launch Madonna,
is dead. He was 57.
||| Videos: Ken Dahl -
Ching Ching; and Sallok & James -
We Must Be Free. James Headley (
right) worked with Italian producer Sallok to create his latest stomping, dubstep flavoured single, who said, "I consider myself very fortunate to be able to express my feelings through music and to be able to share it with all of you. Enjoy the magic Sallok sound." More of James
Why do gay adult film stars kill themselves?
||| Writer Hobart Fowlkes's writes movingly about how an encounter with Arpad Miklos (aka Péter Kozma)
changed his life.
||| Is ModelMayhem homophobic?
||| Professional rape victim Johnny Rapid's
weird interview.
Talking to Austin Wilde about his (and boyfriend Anthony Romero,
right) new site, Guys In Sweatpants.

< The
ten most offensive things people said to Max Ryder during his CockyBoys live chat.
On the set of
The Golden Gate season 5...
||| NextDoor model Donny Wright
arrested for breaking into firehouse and masturbating on firemen gear.
...And Chi Chi LaRue's
High Performance Men in Fort Lauderdale,
< Check out a sizzling
gallery of Arquez workin' it in Miami...

a live sex show featuring Martin Mazza, David Avila, Diego Summer and Lucio Saints (
right) in Antwerp, Belgium.
Whatever happened to Haze? Chocolate Cream model Haze passed away last year.
||| Whatever happened to Keyontyli Goffney?
||| Whatever happened to T. Malone?
||| Whatever happened to Dream?
> You too
can own François Sagat's ass-ets.
< Celebrate the 22nd birthday of Jake Bass
with the 22 best Jake Bass pictures of all time!
||| The science behind porn addiction.
||| How gay students
benefit from athletics (but are also face bullying and harassment).
> White South African Oscar Pistorius
tells his side of the story and it doesn't make any sense.
||| White South African Oscar Pistorius
gets out of jail free!
||| White South African Pistorius
has also been dumped from the gay bullying It Gets Better campaign.
< Openly gay Olympic speedskater Blake Skjellerup
gets naked for James Demitri.
||| The Australian Olympic swim team's
toxic culture of drugs, drinking, bullying.
> Cleveland Rockers
win their first gay flag football tournament.
Right, Rockers Captain Philip Long.
Watch Isaac Lamb's awesome video celebrating his huge family - including this cute gay couple.
||| 10 lessons from a gay cruise virgin.
||| How much bigger can container ships get?
||| How will our future cities look?
||| And finally, the third episode of Rogue "Marbie" Scott's brilliant Drunk Diallers; Davey Wavey looks at how to get a sugar daddy; Justin goes back to basic training; and travel back to the 1980s for a date with Quentin Crisp.