a news compendium
with a gay bias
< Diego Franco, lensed by Xavier Brèmont.
||| Pride is not the only sin. "What are we proud of? Our sexualities? Not for everyone. For, if we’re honest, Pride does not include everybody of a homosexual persuasion. It includes anybody who is gay but increasingly, whilst gay always means homosexual, homosexual does not necessarily mean gay. Some of these boys... would rather continue with their straight identities than become part of a culture that is not theirs and, in their eyes, does not want to include them. We live in the second most liberal time in history for its attitudes towards homosexuality and it appears that gay culture itself may be excluding a silent minority (or, who knows, a majority) by virtue of its voice."
> When gay men think baseball caps make them masculine.
||| Is The Advocate on an Islamophobic crusade?
||| Why do so few gays own their own home?
||| The Wall Street Journal examines gay consumerism.
< "I barely hit him," Dorian Moragne, one of Brandon's attackers, claimed in court.
||| Bradley Manning treated more harshly than a terrorist, lawyer argues.
> This is former weatherman Rob Lopicola (really) who's been arrested for allegedly performing oral sex on a 15-year-old boy.
||| Washington state marriage equality campaign raises nearly $US1 million in June; gay marriage foes manage just $135,000 during same period.
||| New York City Council allocates $US.3 million for Bea Arthur Residence for gay homeless youth...
...Which is great news, because it turns out 40 percent of homeless youth are gay.
||| Why AIDS funding cuts are especially sharp for African American men.
< The myth about black voters; Barack Obama helps change the conversation about African-Americans and marriage equality.
||| Meet the gay political prospects for office.
||| Striking a blow for gay rights at Chick-Fil-A.
||| Gays are "heterophobic, Christophobic, dark, venomous, and filled with demonic hatred," apparently. Compliments, compliments!
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THE BIG PICTURE: Inside San Quentin state prison. |
||| Muslim extremists threaten "evil" gays, warns Muslims will rise against them.
||| UK government warns summer holidays are peak time for gay youth to be taken overseas and forced into a marriage.
> This is Reverend David Page, an openly gay preacher, who the Church of England has stood down after he refused to disclose if his relationship was celibate.
||| Man found dead in Chariots, London's biggest gay sauna.
< London cabs get rainbow livery and fetish studded seats, ahead of Toronto World Pride 2014.
||| Liberty director Shami Chakrabarti, speaking at the launch of Google's Legalise Love campaign, says Britain should boost gay equality in the Commonwealth.

||| London's gay bookshop Gay's the Word burgled.
> More pictures from World Pride 2012 in London.
||| Here's a video - courtesy of Canada's Xtra! - of London's World Pride.
||| NETHERLANDS: Dutch government opens its doors to gay Iraqis.
||| FRANCE: French Senate outlaws transphobia.
||| ITALY: Police apologise after manual lists homosexuality alongside bestiality, necrophilia and incest.
||| JAMAICA: Outgoing police chief Les Green - previously of Scotland Yard - has decided now is the time to announce Jamaican gays are too flamboyant, and that most gay murders are domestic violence...
...Meanwhile, two more men are dead in suspected homophobic murders. Their mutilated bodies were found in New Kingston.
< CHILE: Hate crimes now punishable by law, four months after the brutal gay bashing of 24-year-old Daniel Zamudio.
||| DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: More on Santo Domingo Pride.
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THE BIG PICTURE: Haitian pilgrims in Saut d' Eau on 14th July 2012. |
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THE BIG PICTURE: Why prisoners are peddling for freedom in Brazil. |
||| Christianity and homosexuality: Conversations in Africa.
||| CAMEROON: Youth Rally to mark 21st August as a national anti-gay day, promising a homophobic parade through the streets of the capital.
> SOUTH AFRICA: Christian billboard in Pretoria equates homosexuality to drug abuse.
||| INDIA: Student commits suicide over ex-lover, who married after parental pressure.
||| MALAYSIA: Education Ministry plans so-called Social and Reproductive Health Education program in schools, to warn children about what it terms the "dangers and threats" of being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.
||| PHILIPPINES: Philippine Military Academy announces that openly gay boys and girls are welcome to join the cadets.
< AUSTRALIA: Gold Coast Tourism pulls image of bulging white swim shorts from gay travel campaign.
||| SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Qaeda suicide bombers are not permitted to have anal sex in order to hide explosives in their rectums, it transpires.
||| JORDAN: News site demands crackdown on gays.
> Check out these brilliant literary posters by New York artist Evan Robertson.
||| The Florida Family Association brands wedding of X-Men characters Northstar and Kyle "immoral social propaganda". And with it being an interracial wedding, I bet Jill Scott isn't too happy either...

< In the Making: A Story of Dreamers in Transit, an exhibition of original paintings by artist Francisco Cabas, and collages created in collaboration with youth in the Gay & Lesbian Centeris Transition Living Program.

> Check out Belgian photographer Kurt Stallaert's unreal pictures of bodybuilder children.
||| The allure of the mugshot.
||| Chicago to close after 15 years in West End.
< Review: Cruising, Clubbing, Fucking: An Elegy. "Canadian-born Mercier dreams of the 70s, and particularly of the years – post-liberation and pre-Aids – when 'the chrome-vintage wonderland' of New York's gay clubs offered men an apparently endless summer of sexual abandon." Alternative review here.

||| Barry Sandler discusses his 1982 film Making Love, the actors who refused to star in it, and its lasting legacy.
||| James Franco (Milk) to embark on "homo-sex-art" indie film with I Want You Love director Travis Matthews.
> Watch the trailer (below) for promising new film CAL, in which Wayne Virgo reprises his role as Cal (Shank). Visit the official site for more.
||| Support a gay remake of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
< British drag act Danny La Rue's life to be dramatised in a new film.
||| John Waters wants us to use humour as a gay political weapon. "If we can laugh at the most hurtful responses, we'll be the strongest minority of all."
||| Angelina Jolie is "mortified" by Brad Pitt's mom's anti-gay letter (see Issue 124).
||| The 30th Outfest Film Festival opens in Los Angeles.

< Morgane Rousseau's Le Reflet is worth a look too.

> Review: My Brother The Devil. "Production values, especially the interplay between the images and Stuart Earl's score, are superb."
||| Review: Romeos. "An uplifting, daring, surprising film that confronts a sensitive subject square-on without lapsing into the preachy political-correct pitfalls that blight other projects dealing in incendiary social issues."
||| Talking to Romeos director, Sabine Bernardi.
< Designing 007: The exhibition marking 50 years of James Bond.
||| Barack Obama's half brother to appear in anti-Obama documentary. Warning: the odious interviewer in this clip might make you physically sick. Warped.
||| OMG! Channing Tatum vs. Alex Pettyfer!
||| Nevertheless, there will be a Magic Mike sequel.
||| A remake of Whatever Happened To Baby Jane? is in the works. Why?
> The 13 hottest guys of the Friday the 13th franchise. Right, Arlen Escarpeta. Who's your favourite?
||| The movies people need to stop quoting.
||| The original names of famous film characters.
||| The creepiest twins on film.
||| Trailer: Sam Raimi's Oz, The Great and Powerful, starring James Franco.

||| Rodolfo Vera Quizon, the Philippines' King of Comedy, who played gay in many of his films, is dead. He was 83.
||| Ernest Borgnine, the actor, is dead. He was 95. Read The Guardian's obituary.
||| Ernest Borgnine: A career in clips.
||| Gays of our lives: All the latest gay soap developments from around the world, with Anthony D. Langford.
< See a preview of the Absolutely Fabulous Olympics special.
||| True Blood star Stephen Moyer wishes he had a bigger gay following than co-stars. "I may come in fourth behind Joe Manganiello, Alex Skarsgård, and Ryan Kwanten, if I'm really honest."
||| Glee's Chris Colfer endured homophobic bulling "every day" at school, he says.
||| Watch a clip from Political Animals, a new TV series the former US President's son is gay - and hot! Sigourney Weaver is the former First Lady.

< Check out Ty Mattson's posters for TV shows of yesteryear.
||| Could a return of 90s soap Eldorado be on the cards?
||| 2011-2012: The cancelled TV shows.
> Frank Ocean compared to paedophile Jerry Sandusky. "The homophobia in the African American community is staggering," one commentator notes. Me? My head hurts.
||| Be sure to visit Hate Tweets To Frank Ocean. About the site.
||| Watch Frank Ocean perform Bad Religion, live.
||| Review: Frank Ocean - Channel Orange. "Ocean's songs draw compelling, unjudgmental portraits of dark subjects. They're packed with affecting detail."
||| Why US retailer Target won't be stocking Frank Ocean's new album.
< Tyrese talks anger management, x-rated fans, and his new book.
||| Elton John on regretting his behaviour during the AIDS epidemic. "I came out of this HIV-negative. I was the luckiest man in the world."
||| Were Mick Jagger and David Bowie once lovers? A new book claims they were.
||| Madonna sued over 1990 hit Vogue.

||| Boy George has also taken to Twitter to attack a photographer whose World Pride pictures he didn't like. Nasty.
||| Old records are outselling new ones for the first time.
||| Why are music videos so obsessed with fairy tales?
||| Videos: George Michael releases trailer for his comeback single, White Light; Rapper Murs (right) kisses his video boy in new video Animal Style; Chilean singer Alex Anwandter's new video, inspired by Paris Is Burning; and The Aikiu make ingenious use of gay porn in their video Pieces Of Gold.
||| Why Dawson's 20 Load Weekend is the most important gay porn film ever made. "Depending on your point of view, [bareback sex] is either a transgressive act of eroticism or an incredibly irresponsible act that demonstrates how to become infected with HIV. Or perhaps both." Do not miss this fascinating essay.

< An interview with kaos favourite Matthew Rush.
> "I often feel lost and disappointed." The regrets of Carlito.
< Pictures from Hustlaball London on World Pride day. Queer Me Now has an extensive set of galleries: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. All very X-rated, obviously...
...And you can check out Brent Everett's London holiday snaps here.
||| Lucas Entertainment launches LUCAS COMMUNITY, a social network with a gay porn twist.
||| Behind-the-scenes on the set of Raging Stallion's Stripped 1: Make It Rain. See Race Cooper crawling across the stage in nothing but a jock strap.

< Sizzling shots from ShootMeUp at London club Gigolo. More here.
> 25 pictures of Nick Sterling's juicy booty.

< Don't miss CocoDorm's new Tyler Trenton video, in which the pint-sized boy wonder reveals he's fully "versative". Just adorable.
||| Nathan Price, the model known for his work with Men at Play, UK Naked Men and Alphamale Media, is dead.
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THE BIG PICTURE: Eric Futch at the IAAF World Junior Championships, 11th July, in Barcelona, Spain. More pictures from the event. |
||| London 2012 Olympic Pride House opens its doors. Check out the official site.
> London 2012: Tom Daley on going from bullying victim to Olympic sex symbol and medal favourite. Plenty more pictures from the Fabulous shoot here.

< London boy James Ellington - longtime readers may recall he auctioned himself on eBay (see Issue 104) - covers free weekly Shortlist, and talks about missing the opening ceremony later this month.

||| Olympic Village sex fest: Why 70,000 condoms just aren't enough.
||| Hockey player Cam Janssen apologises for homophobic remarks.
||| Meanwhile, German footballer Mario Götze has a problem...
A gallery of pictures of Ancient Turkish male oil wrestling, anyone?
||| Outsports photos of the week. Below, Parma FC players train in Olbia, Italy.
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THE BIG PICTURE: Muay Thai boxers in Isan, Thailand. |
< The ecology of disease. "Disease, it turns out, is largely an environmental issue. Sixty percent of emerging infectious diseases that affect humans are zoonotic — they originate in animals. And more than two-thirds of those originate in wildlife."
||| Why HIV criminalisation is the worst idea ever.
||| The Movement Against the HIV-AIDS Theory - an "AIDS denialist" group - has set up in Malaysia.
||| Australian boys to receive Genital Warts vaccine in world first. The vaccine immunises against a virus that causes oral, anal and penile cancers in gay men.
||| What happens if you break your penis?
||| Malecare takes on erectile dysfunction in gay men.
> Check out California's gay anti-smoking billboard.
||| This is what snake venom does to your blood.
||| How the brain paralyses our muscles while we sleep.
||| Elizabeth Taylor, beautiful mutant.
||| Boffin predicts eugenic society within five years: Gene tests could determine sexual compatibility.
||| Why the psychological traits of Olympic athletes increase their risk for mental problems in later life.
||| "This is scaring the shit out of me for real..." America is burning up.
||| The 10 hottest places in the US.
< Meet Occupup!
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THE BIG PICTURE: Tsavo the lion receives treatment to remove an orange size tumour. |
||| Talking to the man behind Grindr.
> HEbrew: Find gay Jews!
||| Russian religious activists want Facebook banned, claiming its new gay marriage icon (see Issue 124) amounts to "gay propaganda".
||| Don't stress: Facebook won't make you depressed.
||| Wikipedia: Meet the men and women who write the articles.
||| Don't miss Mark Taint's Guide To Being Gay!
< Get Bryan Hawn's perfect ass.
||| The original logos of 10 major companies.
||| The secret of McDonald's special sauce.
||| Fast food workers reveal the menu options they recommend we never eat.
||| And finally, Bryan Rasberry at ADTV, and just because, RuPaul - Back To My Roots.
Issue 125: 07-14 July 2012
On the cover: kaos favourite Diriye Osman, beautifully lensed by Boris Mitkov.
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© 2012
Lovely and enlightening!
Thank you Cup-o-Noodles! x
Full of interest as always. I read the two articles about barebacking & Aids denialism & they were both interesting & I found, quite shocking - especially when I read the comments after the articles (every single post about the denialism article was from a denialist, none of whom address any of the scientific evidence, just go into conspiracy theories; & the muddled thinking of the pro-barebackers was terribly disturbing). So thank you for that - I guess! - & also for Race Cooper wriggling along a bar in a jock & getting rimmed by a patron, which made me laugh...
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