Tired old queen at the movies

Ball Of Fire

ary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck are a laugh riot in Howard Hawk's Ball Of Fire (1941).

Produced by Samuel Goldwyn, with a screenplay by Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett and based on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the two stars get hysterical support from a terrific group of character actors. Playing the dwarfs/professors are comedy veterans; Henry Travers, Richard Hadyn, Oskar Homolka, Leonid Kinsky, Tully Marshall, Aubrey Mather and the adorable S.Z. "Cuddles" Sakall. Also along for the hijinks are handsome Dana Andrews, Dan Duryea and Kathleen Howard. This was the second time that Cooper and Stanwyck were paired in the same year. They loved working together and you'll love the results. Steve Hayes

(Syndication is with the kind permission of Steve Hayes.)

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Moanerplicity said...

A classic. Mad witty screwball comedy, w/ a script & direction by the gods of the genre. Fonda was a handsome bumbling revelation, & Miss Stanwyck was never sexier. They had chemistry for days.


Moanerplicity said...

DUH! My bad! I meant COOP! Not Fonda! Both did films w/ Miss Stanwyck around this time. They were very similar screen types (tall, dark, lean, handsome, quiet, mid-westerners, w/ lots of gravitas)... but Gary Cooper was clearly the prettier of the two.


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