a news compendium
with a gay bias
WEEKLY | Issue 119 | April 2012 | FREE | be.told.
WEEKLY | Issue 119 | April 2012 | FREE | be.told.
< Let's kick off with one of a bunch of new shots of Brazilian twins Márcio and Marcos Patriota, by Terry Richardson.

||||| Homophobes who were secretly gay: "From FBI boss J. Edgar Hoover to Chistian TV preacher Ted Haggard."
||||| Where are all the gay comedians?
< Is black, gay art too kitschy?
||||| Gay men and drugs: "There's something different about G, we're really just scratching the surface."
> Did transsexual legend Marsha P. Johnson start the Stonewall riots? That's the question The Saint of Christopher Street raises.
||||| The curious link between Wal-Mart stores and hate groups.
||||| The media use too many anti-gay faith voices, a GLAAD report has found, despite most US religious people being pro-gay.
||||| The gay panic defense and Trayvon Martin.
< Violence and race: a two-way street, by LZ Granderson. "Something different happened inside when I saw the video of a white tourist being savagely beaten and stripped by a bunch of black thugs in Baltimore over St. Patrick's Day weekend."

||||| Whoopi Goldberg and Don Lemon are now speaking for black America? How did that happen?
||||| Sins of omission. "President Obama... has inexcusably refused to issue an executive order banning discrimination by federal contractors based on sexual orientation or gender identity."
< Jailed for wearing sagging jeans.
||||| LA police to open trans only section in jail.
||||| Remember last week's story about the LA restroom sting? Coverage of arrests - which included publishing pictures and the names of the 18 gay men involved - has drawn criticism.
||||| Meanwhile, Boston's cops have been busting a "frat hazing ritual", in which "underwear-clad pledges" were "covered in condiments".
||||| Brandon White speaks out on his brutal gay-bashing, and the allegations by Atlanta activists that he knew his attackers.
||||| San Diego to be the first city to get a Harvey Milk Street?
||||| 30,000 attendees set White Party record.
> Jesus is not a homophobe: Identity harassment and first amendment rights at school.
||||| The high school football players who stood up for a bullied teen.

||||| National Union of Teachers vote to tackle homophobia.
< Christians plan law suit over bus advert ban.
||||| But did their anti-gay bus ads take their cue from Stonewall's "misguided campaign"? "The gay rights charity's provocative sloganeering may have ended up doing more harm than good."
||||| Anti-gay Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri can be extradited to the US on terrorism charges, the European Court of Human Rights rules.
> Last week we heard how a Catholic priest "accidentally" projected gay porn to an audience of primary school parents. An investigation into the incident has been hindered by the theft of the laptop involved.
||||| Analysis: The multi-million pound "gay divorce".

||||| London's annual gay arts festival, GFEST, is seeking submissions.
||||| Titanic at 100: Why we can't let go of the Titanic.
< Titanic at 100: Overlooked black passengers add another facet to the story. Left, Haitian-born Joseph Laroche, "believed to be the only black man among the passengers on the Titanic".

||||| Titanic at 100: Fascinating photos of life on the Titanic.
||||| Rip-off Britain: why is everything so expensive?
< HUNGARY: Fears over new "gay propaganda" bill.
||||| ITALY: A new wave of gay hate.
||||| GERMANY: Incest couple lose European Court case.
||||| VENEZUELA: Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro gets big round of applause for "facist faggots" slur.
> JAMAICA: Fighting injustice in Jamaica. "We must recognize our failings and the urgent need for reinvention."

< NIGERIA: Lawyer Robert Igbinedion to sue Nigerian government over its anti-gay bill.
||||| LIBERIA: President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf backtracks on her support for anti-gay legislation, now claiming she will "veto any legislation that would criminalise homosexual behaviour in the country".
||||| GAMBIA: 15 men "suspected of homosexuality" arrested in bar raid.
> SOUTH AFRICA: Mr Gay World - less than ambivalent, more than a pretty face. "The apparent ambivalence of [Jacob] Zuma on homosexuality is arguably illustrative of the South African gay rights contradiction: a country that was fifth in the world to legalise gay marriage, yet which struggles to stop the brutal corrective rape of lesbians and violent attacks on gays. A country that tries very hard to tolerate homosexuality, but which struggles to accept it."
||||| INDIA: The baby tortured to death for being born a girl.
||||| INDIA: Gay couple "on the run" after illegal marriage.
< INDIA: Competitors flex their muscles for Mr. Mumbai title.
||||| UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Four men jailed for sex in public. The British and Sychelles nationals had sex under a tree. Two Bangladeshi men have also been jailed for sex in a public toilet.
> Pictures from Afghanistan, March 2012.
< Boffins have engineered stem cells to seek out and kill HIV in living organisms.

> Too beautiful to be true?
||||| Personal trainers: A luxury or a necessity?
||||| Gay adults rejected by parents have worse health.
||||| Myths about left handedness, including those us lefties believe ourselves.
||||| Psychiatrist Robert Spitzer retracts his 2001 claim that gay people can be converted, and now says so called "gay cures" are harmful.

< Endangered African animals, in pictures.
> Man charged after six puppies found in suitcase.

||||| Why are some Asian glaciers gaining mass?
> There's an elephant on Mars!
||||| Phew! Our solar system is normal.
||||| How the tech parade passed Sony by.
||||| Little boy lost finds his mother using Google Earth.
< Addicted to Grindr. "Because Grindr is location-based it can get very boring very quickly. Sometimes I feel like moving out of my neighbourhood because I feel like I've 'Ground' everyone there."
||||| The Grindr Awards for gayest cities, beaches, and marital destinations.
||||| Is Facebook making us lonely?
||||| Jon Stewart on Facebook's acquisition of Instagram: "A billion dollars of money? For a thing that kind of ruins your pictures?"
||||| Facebook criticised over half-baked data download tool.
||||| Life after Firefox: Can Mozilla regain its mojo?
> Classic video games reimagined as children's books.

||||| Why the price of your e-book matters.
> Chinese erotic gay fiction site shut down. Founder of site imprisoned and fined - case reveals that most stories were written by young women around 20 years old.

||||| For sale: one of just four versions of Edvard Munch's painting "The Scream". Will accept offers in region of $US80 million.
||||| Danish architects BIG have unveiled proposals for a 150-metre-high skyscraper in downtown Vancouver, below left.
||||| House of Justice and Police Station, in Georgia, by J. Mayer H, below right.
||||| Peep show: is it wrong to find actors attractive? "Venus in Fur is the latest play to tempt audiences into ogling its scantily clad cast. Now stage stars are being rated on sex appeal."
||||| There will be 7 performances of No Fats, No Femmes - Tim Paul's solo show - in Dublin from May 14 - May 19.
< Shocking: Christian groups aren't happy about Corpus Christi: Playing with Redemption, the documentary about the play depicting Jesus as a gay man in 1950s Texas.
||||| Tom Hanks to play Walt Disney in Mary Poppins backstory?
||||| Sanubari Jakarta (Jakarta Deep Down), a collection of stories about gay life in the capital of Indonesia, has been released.

> Hypotheticals: Kubrick's Napoleon.
< Elegant minimalist posters for Disney movies.

||||| Talking to Eating Out: The Open Weekend actor Michael Vara.
||||| Review: The Skinny. "Don't come in expecting Noah's Arc 2.0, because this film is very different."
< Review: Absent. "A stonking piece of cinema. The cinematography is stunning – the close-up shots of Martín are some of the sexiest, most sensual of the male body ever captured on film – the direction is surefooted and the acting seamless. Intelligent, artful and intense, the film is just a hair's breadth from being perfect."
> Review: First Position. "It's a cliché that all gay men love ballet and opera, but that doesn't mean we aren't moved by such frou-frou art forms. In fact, there's no better way to experience the paradox of ballet — its arresting beauty and the torturous toll it takes on those who practice it, physically, emotionally and financially — than with the documentary First Position. Forget Black Swan and all its overwrought incipient insanity — this is the real deal."
||||| Review: I Want Your Love. "An unflinching and rarely seen portrait, not just of gay male sexuality, but of male sexuality generally."
||||| Review: Jitters. "...succeeds in depicting accurately the devil-may-care view on life dominant among Icelandic youth... [But] it is difficult to discern exactly what Jitters wants to be."
||||| Review: Encounters. "The films are four unique and surprising look at gay life in a bygone era, and are great markers of society and politics of the time."
||||| Movies or TV? Or both? Or neither?
||||| Trailer: Stud Life.
< Talking to Matthew Stephen Herrick, one of the stars of new gay drama DTLA.
||||| Paul Iacono, star of MTV's The Hard Times of RJ Berger, comes out: "I think it's the right time to say something."
||||| All the latest from your favourite gay characters in soap - from all over the world. Anthony D. Langford guides us through it.
> Australian soap Neighbours shows its first gay kiss in its 27 year history. (Blink and you'll miss it.)
||||| Former Will & Grace star Sean Hayes gets snippy with reporter for asking about "it" and "that".
||||| Fellow former child stars have a message for homophobe Kirk Cameron.

||||| Ranking 20-somethings' TV jobs from most to least realistic.
< Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" reunion: Jason Alexander teams up with the soup man.
||||| Logo confirms a fifth season of RuPaul's Drag Race; ABC renews General Hospital - America's last daytime soap - for another year.
> 15 of the all-time most powerful women on TV. Right, Doctor Who's ferocious Leela.

< A new exhibition of art inspired by Twin Peaks.
||||| Infographics: Fictional character birthday calendars.
||||| Former The Bill actor Colin Tarrant took his own life after becoming depressed, a coroner has ruled.
> Rah Digga hits back at Tyler, The Creator in epic diss track: "Fuck is you creatin', son, a whole generation / Of some, hey Horton, skateboardin', worshippin' Satan asses / Bingein' on drugs, somebody get me the gloves / I don't think they need deals, man, I think they need hugs / And I was trying to support this young black man / It's too bad you probably lost your only black fan..."
...But they've since kissed and made up, apparently.
||||| A Tribe Called Quest legend Q-Tip signs to Kanye West's G.O.O.D Music label.
||||| Brotherly love: The return of the hip hop crew.
||||| Lupe Fiasco confirms Food & Liquor 2: Great American Rap Album Pt. 1 is finished.

> OMG! A JLS/One Direction onesie war!
||||| So, is it ever OK to wear a onesie?
||||| A whole lot of One Direction nipples.
||||| Watch RuPaul's GLAMAZON music video.
||||| Jill Scott seethes as white bitch gets her claws into a brother: Kim Kardashian is Kanye West's Beyonce.
||||| Justin Bieber backs controversial documentary Bully with loan of his track Born To Be Somebody.
||||| London's Rough Trade to open a record store in Brooklyn.
||||| The 30 best kiss-offs in musical history...
...And the 25 greatest breakup songs of the 1980s.

< THE KAOS THEORY favourite Jovonnie is still in love with on/off boyfriend CityBwoi.
> Sad: Flava Works' Elmo Jackson - known to his mother as William Ratliff - is back in jail. "This time until 2016," Flava Works Tweeted.
||||| So - just how bad are American "supermax" prisons?

< Bel Ami's Manuel Rios and Mick Lovell go bareback. Er, I mean "condom-free".
> On set with Race Cooper.
||||| A behind-the-scenes look at The Porn Brat Pack, a biopic about "porn royality" such as Chi Chi Larue and Joey Stefano.

> Meet CocoDorm's Dzyer Whyte.

||||| Watch New York University Athletics department's It Gets Better film.
||||| NFL player Roddy White offends with homophobic tweets.

> Tiny food sculptures!

||||| About The Black Sex Master.
||||| No more Texts from Hillary!
||||| And finally this week... OMG! Thomas Elliot is here! And Sweet Brown doesn't have time for bronchitis.
Issue 119: 09-15 April 2012
On the cover: CocoDorm model Neiko Nolan.
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