What judgement shall I dread, doing no wrong?


Death and Resurrection, a stunning series by London photographer Nick de Marco: "I set up and took with models and make up artists and portable studio lights in St Thomas' Church, Holloway, Islington, London inspired by some of the great works of Western Art, including Carracci's "The Dead Christ Mourned", Carravagio's, "The Flagellation of Christ", Memling's "The Man of Sorrows in the Arms of the Virgin" and El Greco's "Saint Veronica with the Holy Shroud", as well as a few of my own ideas."

The model is ka-os|theory favourite Adonis Oholi. See more of him here, and here.

Title quote: "What judgement shall I dread, doing no wrong?"
William Shakespeare, English playwright, 1564-1616.


Mike said...

o my, please sign me up as a member of this church.

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