Tired old queen at the movies

The Razor's Edge

yrone Power's return from active duty in World War II provided the impetus for filming the most expensive picture Twentieth Century Fox had ever produced, W. Somerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge, directed by Edmund Goulding, with Gene Tierney, John Payne, Clifton Webb and in an Oscar winning performance Anne Baxter.

No expense was spared in this tale of a man who returns from the Great War and finds himself disillusioned with the world he supposed to live in and his eventual quest for spirituality. Tierney and Power made an exciting love team and Webb and Baxter were perfectly cast. Gorgeously shot by cinematographer Arthur Miller, beautifully scored by Alfred Newman and produced by Darryl F. Zanuck himself, it was nominated for multiple Oscars including Best Picture and is a prime example of Hollywood at it's sumptuous best.

Steve Hayes

Steve Hayes' Tired Old Queen At The Movies on YouTube

Steve Hayes' Tired Old Queen At The Movies on Facebook
Here at ka-os|theory, Steve Hayes is regarded as a legend. He's opened up a whole world of cinematic pleasure, and fired up my appreciation of film. His enthusiasm is infectious, electrifying, and unfailingly on point. The films he recommends are always worth seeing, and several have become firm favourites. If you have even a passing interest in movies, watch a couple of reviews. They're fun, funny, and you'll be intrigued. As he says, "Trust the tired old movie queen, this is terrific!"

(Syndication is with the kind permission of Steve Hayes. I'd recommend that readers check out his YouTube channel and explore his reviews. Discover the joy of vintage cinema - I did!)


TheatreMad87 said...

This is great promotion for Steve, but does he know you're doing this?

I smell a lawsuit...

KAOS said...

I assume you missed the above text, in bold:

"Syndication is with the kind permission of Steve Hayes."

TheatreMad87 said...

Clearly I did. Serves me right for skimming.

KAOS said...

I'll look forward to receiving your full, and frank, apology, retracting your insidious allegations.

And consider yourself banned.

TheatreMad87 said...


C'mon guv, it was an honest mistake!

I'll appeal to the higher courts!

KAOS said...

There is no "honest" mistake, just big fat mistakes, and you've made your last one in these parts.

There is no higher court, I AM the highest court.

The sad thing is you'll have to live with yourself. And may God forgive you - because I won't.

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