This is 17-year-old Sylvester Akapalara, the nineteenth teenager to be murdered in London this year.
His death follows that of a 15-year-old boy on Christmas Day. The identity of that youth has yet to be released by police.
Akapalara - a Sierra Leonian national - was shot in Peckham, south London, on Wednesday. Sodiq Adeojo, 18, and an unnamed 17-year-old male have been charged with his murder.
Akapalara - a Sierra Leonian national - was shot in Peckham, south London, on Wednesday. Sodiq Adeojo, 18, and an unnamed 17-year-old male have been charged with his murder.
Note: Don't Die Before You've Lived is a series of ongoing entries recording the murders of teenagers in London. Although not necessarily GBLT-related, the desperately premature loss of these young boys deserves our full attention. Take a minute, read the names, look at their faces, and spare a thought for these kids who really did die before they lived. ka-os|theory is a London-based blog.
All for your delight. We are not here
Matthew Shave lenses Joe Bofunda and Daniel Shoneye for the biannual
Out There Magazine.
Out There Magazine.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy
And they die an equal death - the idler and the man of mighty deeds
Remembering those we lost in 2010:
those in the public eye, and those who
came to be for the wrong reasons...
Rue McClanahan, the actress, 76.
Corey Haim, the actor, dead at 38.
Halfway out of the dark
Doctor Who, EastEnders,
Coronation Street
Coronation Street
ast night's editions of EastEnders, Coronation Street and Doctor Who - all highly publicised Christmas specials - provide an intriguing insight into the national psyche.
What does it say about us, for example, that the soap's festive editions were both full of vicious, poisonous women - one of whom stabbed herself in the stomach to keep her man - and that the supposed SF drama was sentimental mush, a sort of lightweight sci-fi Mills & Boon?
There's something seriously wrong, either with the viewing public, or the people responsible for the shows, if this is what we want to watch (or what they think we want to watch) on Christmas Day.
How is it remotely appropriate that we witness Janine Butcher (EastEnders, BBC One, 8pm), pick up a carving knife, put it in the hands of grief stricken, bipolar Stacey Slater, and plunge it into her own stomach? On Christmas Day. Before the watershed.
I could talk lovingly about EastEnders 'til the cows come home, and I usually love crazy Janine's antics as much as the next twisted, vindictive queen, but this just wasn't called for. A step too far beyond the boundaries - even if it wasn't Christmas - the scene was nasty, disturbing and exploitative.
Coronation Street wasn't much better. Just a couple of weeks after the nightmarish tram disaster, which also saw John Stape bash his bunny boiler stalker's head in with a hammer (and subsequently conceal her body at ground zero), we see Tracey Barlow rejoin the cast. She's been away in prison for bashing her boyfriend's head in with an ornament, you'll recall (a pattern, or just repetition?)
A character without any redeeming features, Tracey Barlow isn't someone you want to have around - expecially not on Christmas Day. So quite why the Coronation Street production team thought it would be a good idea to bring back this vile creature to spend Christmas with us... Oh wait! More sensationalism! More magazine covers! And so we endure an hour of screeching, brawling harridans in the Rovers Return (with fellow white trash specimen Becky, who, let's not forget, indulged in a spot of looting during the tram disaster, whilst friends and neighbours were dying around her).
Coronation Street therefore managed to trump EastEnders' stabfest, with a level of ugliness and inhumanity unheard of on British television since Katie Price was last on telly. Thank God for the brief appearance of Scary Mary and her mobile home - that's real Coronation Street.
Which brings us to Doctor Who. I really wanted to hate this latest episode of the new series. This year's season was abysmal, for numerous reasons, and expectations were rock bottom. There's showrunner Steven Moffat's familiar tedious obsessions: we must endure yet another episode in the company of a child, and there's a dreary hetero romance, opera singer Katherine Jenkins cast presumably because Moffat would like to get off with her. But on the positive side, Karen Gillan's ghastly Amy Pond is barely seen, tucked away on a crashing space liner (sadly, she's saved in the end).
It's glossy, inconsequential, and gutless. I'd be lying if I said the emotional payoff didn't have me welling up - yes, it was terribly sad, and Jenkins sounds lovely when she opens her gob and sings - but I don't watch Doctor Who to be moved to tears, which seems to have been the primary goal in recent series. Women and metrosexuals will love it, but what I'd love is for the series to have some balls, just for once.
Maybe it could learn a thing or two from EastEnders.
Gay language, gay hotels, gay art and gay rumours
a news compendium
with a gay bias
issue 81 | December 2010 | FREE
issue 81 | December 2010 | FREE

But first...
Gay language Polari is at risk of dying out. "Polari, the nineteenth-century code language used by gay men, is one of a number of languages at risk of dying out within a generation according to researchers at Cambridge University." There's a guide to Polari here.
||| The end of camp gay men? Kevin Troughton writes in The Guardian, "Effeminate gay men are an increasingly rare sight now the 'straight-acting' are in the ascendency."
||| On a similar note... "It seems like there is a stereotypical, standard effeminate-sounding gay accent, no matter where in the US you go." Discuss.

||| What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? "The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson examines the Biblical texts traditionally used to address the issue of homosexuality from a religious (Jewish and Christian) perspective", over four separate articles. The first "is the philosophical basis for all that follows in examining the seven passages which are used to assert that God condemns homosexuality and homosexual practice. To borrow Phyllis Trible's phrase, used to describe the Biblical texts employed to keep women 'in their place', these are the "texts of terror" used against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people."

||| What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? Part 3: Homosexuality in Sodom and Gomorrah.
||| What does the Bible really say about homosexuality? Part 4: What did Jesus say about homosexuality?

||| Dan Choi hospitalised: A discussion about our community's multi-faceted sacrifices. Being demonised by a bitter lesbian probably hasn't helped him either (reported in the last issue).

||| UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls for the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the 70 countries where being gay is still considered a crime...

>>> Artist Lucinda Naylor's sculpture created from 2000 anti-gay marriage DVDs, mailed out by Minnesota's Catholic bishops.
||| Hide/Seek: Too shocking for America. America's first major exhibition of gay art has outraged the country's right – leading to one of them being banned. Check out the art here.

||| Artist AA Bronson has demanded the National Portrait Gallery remove his piece Felix, June 5, 1994 from the Hide/Seek exhibition in protest at the censorship.
||| The 'Fire' man, by Philip Kennicott. Fascinating essay on artist David Wojnarowicz, who died in 1992 aged 37.

||| Sports secret no more: Gay players are among us.
||| Another all-American high school football team male rape scandal.
||| Politicususa reviews Sarah Palin's America By Heart: "Never once... does Palin use the words homosexual, gay or lesbian. She does, however, hint at what she thinks of sexual minorities. 'When it comes to raising good citizens,' she writes, 'all 'lifestyle choices' are not equal.'"
||| America regresses to the days of the wild west: Detroit to end police, street lights, garbage pickup in 20% of city.
>>> If only all terrorists were as cute as Mohamed Osman Mohamud. He'll be popular in prison...
||| Adele Starr, a gay rights activist since 1974, is dead. She was 90.

<<< ...Who threaten to close their hotel if a judge rules they were in the wrong. As you can see, one of the couple is Jabba the Hutt.
||| LONDON: Closeted man strangled gay victim and went back to strip club. James Foley convicted of manslaughter of Algerian Fethi Bouchareb, and gets away with less than four years in prison.

||| Is Stephen Fry heterophobic and misogynistic? Self-confessed "humourless politically correct feminist" Yasmin Alibhai-Brown thinks so.
||| A new expo for gay men will open in London next year. Manbag Live will showcase "the latest advice on fashion trends, grooming, well-being, gay travel, investments, civil partnerships, health and fitness, plus all the latest restaurants, bars and clubs".

||| The secret world of gang slang.
<<< London's new Routemaster bus is unveiled; in pictures.

||| European states will not be forced to allow gay marriage.
||| FIFA president Sepp Blatter apologises for saying gay football fans should "refrain from sexual activities" if they planned to go to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. That's alright, then.

>>> NETHERLANDS: Homophobic attacks are on the rise - and Islam is the root cause.
||| Gays in the Dutch army? No problem.
||| TURKEY: Turkey's military doesn't just discriminate against gays - it humiliates them.

<<< ISRAEL: Gay's facing a wave of intolerance.
||| A new EU report claims Lebanon's freedom of association is the "most liberal" in the southern Mediterranean - but activists say the report is flawed.
||| IRAQ: The targeting of gay men in Iraq. Excellent essay by Brian Whitaker on what's going on in Iraq.
||| IRAN: We are a Buried Generation: Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities in Iran, a report by Human Rights Watch.

||| BRAZIL: Gay couples entitled to pension benefits, government announces.
<<< BRAZIL: Rio's drug war (39 more pictures). A boy with "Peace" written on his forehead, at the Complexo do Alemão slum in Rio de Janeiro, last month.
||| ARGENTINA: Gay-friendly Buenos Aires experiences massive inflow of GBLT tourism.

||| Curaçao: Newly independent island welcomes gay travelers with Dutch-inspired diversity.
||| Another gay murder in Jamaica: 26-year-old stabbed to death in Kingston, on the morning of Friday, Dec 3.

||| Colonialism and homosexuality, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4.
||| Gays in Africa face ever intensifying persecution, fuelled by "by fundamentalist preachers, intolerant governments and homophobic politicians".

||| KENYA: Why Kenya's new Constitution protects gays, by Professor Makau Mutua. "Homophobia – the irrational, unscientific, and primitive fear of gays and lesbians – is the vilest of hatreds. It's illogical and untenable. Homophobia lies in the same gutter with all the other hatreds, including racism, misogyny, religious bigotry, and tribalism."
||| KENYA: Homophobia only serves to spread homosexuality, by Dr Lukoye Atwoli.
||| CAMEROON: A report, "Criminalizing Identities: Rights Abuses in Cameroon Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity", flags up the suffering of the GBLT community in the east African country.

||| A day after the second list of "homosexual generals" is published, a Ugandan court bans the paper from an further exposés.
||| Kill gays architect David Bahati is denied entry to the International Consortium of Governmental Financial Management conference in Washington because of his anti-homosexuality bill.
||| American activists urge the US State Department to grant asylum to those fleeing persecution.
||| SENEGAL: Homophobic violence on the rise.
||| First website for Ethiopian GBLT launches.

||| CHINA: Gay Chinese kids seek acceptance. But for the Chinese government, gays are just another minority.
<<< CHINA: How's this for a picture? A paramilitary police recruit weeps silently before leaving his loved ones behind to start his service, earlier this month.

||| SINGAPORE: Gay rights group People Like Us submit report highlighting that country's poor gay rights record ahead of a UN review.

||| INDIA: Happy and gay in Delhi University.
<<< INDIA: Religion, religion, what crimes are committed in your name! Here, a Muslim boy flagellates himself during a Muharram procession, earlier this month.

||| Does our fascination with the tragedies of others reflect our culture of narcissism?
<<< Internalised homophobia: what it is and how to deal with it.
||| Once AIDS was a death sentence. Now it's become a way of life.
||| The stigmatising of HIV continues to be the biggest challenge.
||| The bigotry that keeps AIDS alive.

||| The man they cured of AIDS.
>>> A cure for baldness "could be available in 5 years".
||| Beauty sleep isn't a myth.

<<< The Big Picture: Great Migrations (27 more pictures).
||| Penguin dilemma! Taut with tension, bursting with hope, and packed with drama - this sh*t is deep:

||| Facebook to compensates GBLT staff for discriminatory government tax.
||| Could be one of the reasons why Facebook is one of the best places to work.
||| The world according to Facebook:

<<< Corey @ I'll Keep You Posted reviews Sissy Sammy in the land of WeHo 90069 - An Adult Fairytale by Dale Guy Madison.
||| One Minute With: Armistead Maupin, novelist.

||| What I see in the mirror: John Waters.
||| Winona Ryder on Mel Gibson: "I remember, like, fifteen years ago, I was at one of those big Hollywood parties. And he was really drunk. I was with my friend, who's gay. He made a really horrible gay joke. And somehow it came up that I was Jewish. He said something about 'oven dodgers,' but I didn't


||| Australia's Nine Network is handed the strongest possible sanction over its broadcast of a sex scene in Dante's Cove.
<<< Coronation Street: "The outsider sees more, hears more, has to remember more to survive," he says. "All that is terrific training for a writer." Creator Tony Warren on how his show wouldn't have been the same had he been straight.

||| Coronation Street live episode – review.

<<< Cybermen - from Doctor Who - appear in character around London, including on the Tube.

||| JLS - good only for how they look, not how they sound - cover Bliss. And ain't that the truth... The walking slabs of meat also did some singing and dancing at London superclub G-A-Y at Heaven. I imagine the sort of trash that frequents such establishments probably liked the singing'n'dancing better than the flesh, which says a lot.
||| Hispanic homophobic bigots want Univision fined for interviewing Ricky Martin.
||| Trey Songz is "furious" over persistent rumours that he's gay...

<<< Milli Vanilli comeback? And a Milli Vanilli movie too.
||| The Dlisted take on Willow Smith: "There's no time for school shit when she's trying to focus all her energy on snatching RiRi's wig off in a bid to become the next big thing."

<<< Brandon Lee starred in gay porn while serving in the Navy - and his commanding officer only made a joke about it.
||| Porn performer Derrick Burts - who tested HIV positive - speaks for the first time.
||| Has America's war on bareback begun? California's Division of Occupational Safety and Health has fined gay porn studio Treasure Island Media for exposing employees (i.e. the models) to "semen and other potentially infectious materials".

<<< Rob Evans in the 30th anniversary special issue of i-D magazine, in a Dolce & Gabbana editorial lensed by Bruno Staub, and cast exclusively with black male models.
>>> Cuban twins. Cuban twins. Cuban twins. Mull those words over. When you've calmed down, add ace shutterbug Kevin Slack to the mix.

>>> Bret Grafton shot this editorial, the purpose of which was to sell obsenely overpriced underwear to people dumb enough to pay for it, for Mint Male Magazine.

>>> Meanwhile, Jack Mackenroth gets naked for ace shutterbug Rick Day.
<<< "Chaleurs Hivernales", an editorial for Blake Magazine by David Arnot.


>>> ...But that's not half as exciting as Chad Ochocinco getting naked for PETA.
||| Nooooooooooooo!!! Big-bootied Rafael Nadal (he plays tennis, or something, I'm told) is ripping the Emporio Armani Underwear clean off fellow Latin lovely Cristiano Ronaldo, burying his face in them, then prancing around in

||| One invention you probably won't see being pitched on Dragon's Den.
||| Phallus challenge in Paris.
||| And finally...
||| Remember what was going on this time last year?
No? How about a reminder? Read Issue 40.
||| Help me make next week's copy even better.
or photographer, contact me about being on the cover.
Issue 81: 11-17 December 2010, with some additional
material from 30 October - 10 December
material from 30 October - 10 December
ka-os|theory is not responsible
for the content of external websites.
© 2010
Best viewed on Google Chrome.
"You know, we might just as well not have bothered
to come. The whole thing's been ridiculous."