A man in the house is worth two in the street


Pictures: Brandon Esby, lensed by Tarrice Love.

Title quote: "A man in the house is worth two in the street." Mae West, Belle of the Nineties (1934).


Greg said...

Okay, what is with the Rice Krispies? Give me Brandon to swallow instead any day.

KAOS said...

Come on Greg! It means he's got plenty of snap, crackle and pop! ;)

Cup-o-Noodles said...

Oooooh! Rice Krispies!!!!!! (the man is hot too, but that's besides the point.... LOL).

Greg said...

Is THAT what they're trying to say? All I could come up with was "Dude HASN'T got milk".

What next? Baby Star posing with a Twinkie Bar?

KAOS said...

Baby Star and a Twinkie... YUM!

corve said...

I'd love to be featured again

KAOS said...

Do you have new pictures, Corve?

Unknown said...

He is SO talented...

SGL Café.com said...

I can't get Baby Star and a Twinkie outta my head now. ;-)

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