...out of time

Amnesty 2

DO THESE POSTERS do the job for which they're intended?

Amnesty International sought to address homophobia in Hong Kong. But as charming and cheerful as this campaign is, I'd question its effectiveness. Who's the target audience?

Gay People Are Not Gay might make a few people think twice. But "Make More People Gay Today"? Sounds like a Predatory Homosexual recruitment campaign...

Amnesty 3

Amnesty 1

more...out of time


Anonymous said...

Strange, I like em.....

But I understand your point...hmmmmm

Eduardo Guize said...

Well, I see the intention is to go back to the old meaning of the word "gay", but I don't think that takes us anywhere...

At least they are just posters and not videos, cause those colors in movement would provoke epileptic seizures...

Unknown said...

I like what they are trying to say, but they don't quite hit the mark...I suppose they are good as graphic tees instead...

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