Jail Trade Unleashed

Belasco, the artist responsible for the erotic comic of the same name, and the comic book The Brothers of New Essex: Afro Erotic Adventures (a collection of ten years worth of art), has a new work out:

"Jail Trade Unleashed is the story of lovers, Eldon and Emilo, and what happens when an ex-con from Eldon's past reenters his life. Written and drawn by Belasco, author of 'The Brothers of New Essex', Jail Trade Unleashed is a story of intense passions and sordid secrets all lovingly drawn with Belasco's detailed ink renderings."

The book can be downloaded (or purchased as a paperback book) from Lulu.

The Brothers of New Essex appears to be out of print.

Make sure to visit Belasco's blog, where there's plenty of very cool and very sexy art to enjoy.


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