The Gays Can't Be Racist? Can they?

Last month we heard how former Savage Garden front man, the Australian who married a woman then decided to come clean and tell everybody he's actually gay, was arrested following an alleged racist attack on a waiter in a restaurant in London. The Australian was subsequently given a caution by police, which I'm sure his victim feels is sufficient punishment.

What's really funny about the whole episode, apart from the strenuous denials from the Hayes camp of any wrongdoing, are the cries of, "He's gay, how could he be racist?" You see, heterosexuals can't quite grasp the fact that gays, white and black, can be just as racist and xenophobic as they are. In fact, mainstream gay culture is founded upon the notion that white is right, and anyone who doesn't look like a manicured Viking is inferior, which dovetails perfectly with Australian racism and xenophobia - so call me cynical for not being surprised to hear of a gay Australian launching a tirade of racist abuse.
So let's all take a positive from this little episode - straight people now realise that gay people can be racist too. Aww, ain't the world a lovely place?


Anonymous said...

There's most definitely racist gay people I'm afraid... Why do you think I wanna live in Europe so bad? There's even guys that won't give me the time of day simply because I'm African-American (black is a color people not a race) and in Europe I'm loved my many. I like to call it a social personal problem...


KAOS said...

(in response to COOKiE's comment) ...and let's not forget it's a two way street. I've known plenty of black guys who won't give white guys the time of day. I don't think that's necessarily a problem, since everyone's entitled to choice, but it's when people (again, white and black) use their preference as a weapon to denigrate others that things get ugly. I know of a clique of black boys on the scene (and I mean boys, not men) who actively intimidate other black guys who they see as sleeping with the enemy (i.e. white people).

Anonymous said...

Wow that's crazy... I think white boys are so hot! Shit I think all men are hot - every race mysteriously has something hot about it, only relative to that race... Like I said it's a social personal problem...

P.S. Damnit Ka-Os I had to look up the definition of "denigrate" today... taught me a new word - congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Let's not turn Europe into some magical kingdome of love and equality. There is just as much racism there, as anywhere else.

Fetishism isn't love or respect.

KAOS said...

Hmm... Michael, are you one of these people who view interracial pairings as fetishism? Fetishism is the usual, tired old accusation that separtists level when they want to score cheap points...

Anonymous said...

No I don't view interracial pairings as inherently based in fetishism, but many are.

As a black man I have experienced sexual objectification from white men too many times to live in denial, and that is the experience of many black men I know. This is reality, and not a cheap shot.

Of course most of the time we're ignored in the gay (white) world.

KAOS said...

I agree with you on both points - many white men objectify black men, and the gay "world" is skewed towards white men. I written quite a lot and pretty vehemently about the gay media in particular and how it ignores those who aren't white.

But it works both ways. I've known plenty of black guys over the last ten years who objectify white men. And let's not forget those black men who put light-skinned guys on a pedestal - isn't that fetishism too? It's also pretty insulting to those black men with partners of other races (be they white, Asian or anything else) to infer that they're stupid enough to allow themselves to be fetishistic sex objects.

My own personal feeling is that your choice of sexual partner should be reflected in your circle of friends - if all your friends are white and you only ever have sex with black guys, then that is fetishism. Again, the reverse is true, and I can think of at least three Jamaican guys who've said they'd only ever have sex with white guys - and never get into a relationship with one.

Race and sexuality is a complicated thing, and casting black men as innocent sex objects preyed upon by lecherous white men with slave fantasies is both simplistic, and a cheap shot...

Anonymous said...

just seen this, so a late comment.

i love white guys and only do white guys, not a racist thing at all just a preference as most of ma friends r blk. when it comes 2 dem closet bois who fuk white guys and front about it welll they need 2 jus admit it and be mature about it, it aint a defeat in anyway as i know my culture and where i came from and i stand so firmly in that that i can do what i want with who i want, i am not here to please any1 to befirend dem or look like i have to blend in to fit in to this so called 'scene'.


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