Get Shorty J

I REALLY SHOULD get paid for this, but I don't.

Yes, I'm going to talk about CocoDorm again. Because I happened to "accidentally" stumble into the Cocostore site (ahem) and notice that the next Flava Works release is called Get Shorty J.

As you can imagine, this had me rolling around the floor in fits of laughter for hours at this porntastic adaptation of a cinema classic (apparently, since I've never seen Get Carter).

One thing I certainly have seen a lot of is Shorty J (although not as much as I'd like to). Me, I'm 6'3. But you know, there's truth in the old adage good things come in small packages.

Oh, for the love of Shorty...

This latest release also features another of my CocoDorm favourites, Pimp, the centre of much
controversy in the gay media in recent times. One would hope that the release of this footage proves that the model in question is safe and well...

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Anonymous said...

im a wht dude , but i super dig shorty j and his f'kn hot porn movies ,, what a stud .. great face , bod , ass , d*ck , vers ...etc.. like to know / see more of him

Anonymous said...

shorty j ..what a hottie ... i super dig this guy ,, want to see more of his sweet ass ... what a perfect package

Anonymous said...

I think it's a take off of the movie Get Shorty with John Travolta not Get Carter...

CogitoEroSum said...

I LOVE Shorty Jay! He is my kind of freak. Top. Bottom. He's really good at both. Don't even get me started on his tongue action.


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