Natural leaders are rarely encumbered with intelligence. Greed, egotism, animal cunning, and viciousness are the important attributes


Pictures: 27-year-old Georgian model Terrance J. Nichols.

Title quote: "Natural leaders are rarely encumbered with intelligence. Greed, egotism, animal cunning, and viciousness are the important attributes." Dialogue, Blake's 7: Orbit, by Robert Holmes (1981).


corve said...

When I grow up I wana be just like him

Greg said...

It's good to be reminded that there were gems like this in the dialogue of Blake's 7 - maybe I didn't waste my teens watching rubbish after all!

I spent an hour last night watching YouTube clips from Babylon 5, thrilled by the wisdom of G'Kar. So many people write off Sci-Fi/Fantasy, thinking it's just tosh, but it's often an insightful commentary on our contemporary world. Maybe it's time for me to revisit Blake's 7 on YouTube. Thanks.

KAOS said...

The best part about this dialogue was anti-hero Avon's response to this assessment of his character: "I didn't come here to be... flattered."


I've never seen Babylon 5 before - I find American sci-fi a bit worthy and po-faced, but I keep hearing good things about B5.

Eduardo Guize said...

God all those pics put together were like a sugar rush

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