
F i l m  S k o o l

Jules (Nathan Stewart-Jarret) stands among London's most celebrated drag artists. One night after a show, he steps out to get some cigarettes and clashes with a homophobic stranger (George MacKay). Months later, out of drag, Jules recognises his foe in a gay sauna. His inexplicable attraction to the repressed brute soon presents the opportunity for a slow and methodical revenge. With a constant undercurrent of danger, Jules's pursuit of humiliation and the outing of his assailant turns soon becomes a thrilling, morally ambiguous study of power and deception.

Sexually charged, riddled with tension and featuring two unforgettably daring performances from lead actors Nathan Stewart-Jarrett and George MacKay (who shared the "Best Joint Lead Performance" prize at the British Independent Film Awards) Femme offers a daring modern queer take on the classic film noir genre.

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