W H E R E W O R D S F A I L , M U S I C S P E A K S
W H E R E W O R D S F A I L , M U S I C S P E A K S
"Love does not make me clairvoyant
All I know is how to be your servant..."
"Clairvoyant is a sober love song," says Nakhane "When it comes to love songs, you either have ‘Oh, I love you and I can’t live without you’ or ‘Go fuck yourself, you left me, you cheated on me.’ No one talks about the mundane idea of a relationship or love, how it feels to love somebody very much but that week you’re not sexually attracted to them, how you can love someone very, very much but he’s driving you nuts for the day and you literally want to kill him and you look at him and think, ‘Oh, it’s the best thing in my life right now.’ Those little feelings that no one talks about."
You Will Not Die (Deluxe Version) is out now.

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"Where words fail, music speaks."
Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author, 1805-1875.
Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author, 1805-1875.
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