BFI Flare 2019: Last Ferry

L o n d o n  L G B T Q +  F i l m  F e s t i v a l  2 0 1 9

"For Joseph, a young lawyer from Manhattan, his first excursion to Fire Island is far from what he had in mind. Looking for a good time, he finds the infamous island on its off-season, with nary a hot guy in sight. Things start to look up when he meets a handsome stranger, but Joseph’s luck goes from bad to worse when his furtive lover drugs and robs him. Drifting into unconsciousness, Joseph suddenly witnesses a murder. Waking to find himself in the care of a seemingly charitable local named Cameron, Joseph seems safe from harm. But as he should know by now, nothing is quite what it seems. Like Stranger by the Lake transposed to the luxurious locales of the fabled gay resort, this deliciously playful mystery will keep you guessing until the very end.." BFI Flare

There aren't really many gay thrillers out there: recently, M/M and Stranger By The Lake set pulses racing, whilst further back, Transfixed, American Translation, Our Paradise, and Eastern Boys were all effective nail biters.

Director Jaki Bradley's Last Ferry doesn't quite live up to its dark and disturbing precursor, Stranger By The Lake (writer and lead actor Ramon Torres specified the French thriller as a key inspiration in the post-screening Q&A), but it has a pretty good stab at it.

There's much to like about Last Ferry, including a fantastic soundtrack, and an excellent cast. Torres is perfect as lonely, insecure Joseph, and Sheldon Best excels as his gorgeous love interest, Cameron (and Best is very, very gorgeous). But props must go to Larry Owens for stealing every scene as that gay friend.

Things fall apart a little in the last act, which doesn't quite pay off the build-up, but the ride is so enjoyable that it doesn't really matter. You won't be inclined to holiday on Fire Island after this, but you'll probably be tempted back for another look at the Last Ferry, if only to gawp at Myles Clohessy's incredible ass.

KAOS reports every year from the annual
BFI Flare: London LGBT Film Festival. 


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