Vini Uehara

W  H  E  R  E     W  O  R  D  S     F  A  I  L    ,     M  U  S  I  C     S  P  E  A  K  S

"Since I was little I always wanted to find an assumed gay artist that I could identify with [...] through music," says out gay Brazilian artist Vini Uehara. "Today I see that we do not need only a symbol, but a great united community that represents strength and inspiration ... We have to fight for our space to grow even more, transforming where we live in a great dancefloor without labels." Model Emanoel Paier stars as Uehara's boyfriend in the video for Perigo. Get it.

Perigo is out now.

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"Where words fail, music speaks."
Hans Christian Andersen, Danish author, 1805-1875.

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