Diogo Duarte

A  R  T     I  S     N  O  T     A      T  H  I  N  G  ,     I  T     I  S     A     W  A  Y

Lisbon, Portugal born artist Diogo Duarte's self-portrait project, Unconscious Commands and Judgements of our Century. From the artist:

"I ‘perform’ different aspects of my personality in front of the camera with the intention of creating an inner dialogue of self-acceptance.

The staged photographs where every single character plays a role in the conversation, are almost knee jerk reactions to notions I have always been conflicted by such as sexual expression, sexual orientation and gender identity. From image to image, characters talk to each other in a constant swing between freedom of expression and repression.

Aspects of my personality that were once hidden away, are amplified and exaggerated in front of a surreal backdrop so their existence can no longer be ignored. The Fool - and many others - are dramatised and imagined just like children would when trying to explain what they don’t understand."

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