the week's
| ponder this |
| Reversing the re-write of gay history. "That vapid gay men are attempting to rewrite history by centering themselves is not news. That they conscripted a New York Times reporter to do the heavy lifting for them certainly is."
| 4 things that are wrong (and right) about the Millennial Generation.
| america |
< Tiger Mandingo, and the danger of HIV scapegoating. "Rather than targeting the virtually non-existent HIV prevention programs in place at Lindenwood, the St. Charles Police Department's gross misconduct in handling the case, Johnson’s community seems concerned solely with demonising him for his actions."
| Former President Richard Nixon was “tolerant” of gays, who he thinks were “born that way”. But in newly released audio files, he also warns that homosexuality has a damaging and destructive effect on society.
THE BIG PICTURE: Boeing fuselages ended up in a Montana river following a train derailment. |
| Canada: Toronto "crack mayor" Rob Ford votes against beds for homeless gay youth.
| The Home Office remains intent upon deporting 28-year-old Isadore Rodrigue Kanko Signe, an asylum seeker persecuted by anti-gay mobs, back to Cameroon.
| Requiem for the petrol station. "Like record stores and travel agents, video shops and post offices, city centre petrol stations are a dying breed – under pressure from supermarkets and out of place in London 3.0."
| France: Landmark ruling allows gay Senegalese man visa to wed his partner.
< Denmark: Copenhagen renames city centre Rainbow Square. The sign in the centre of the square reads: “Rainbow Square. Named after the rainbow flag: A symbol of the struggle of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people for equal rights, as well as of tolerance and open mindedness”.
| Italy: Right-wing Mayor (and MEP) Gianluca Buonanno wants to ban all gay kissing.
| Greece: Archaeologist uncovers erotic gay graffiti from ancient Greece.
| Poland: Gay homeless shelter for 250 people planned for Warsaw.
| africa |
| Uganda: Government claims its "Jail the Gays" law isn't meant to punish gays, rather it's just intended to curb the "open promotion of homosexuality," in the interest of protecting children. That's alright then.
| Nigeria: How the international community helps and hurts the gay equality movement in Nigeria.
> India: An epitaph for India's "appalling" national car, the Ambassador.
| Australia: Judge suspended for claiming incest is no longer taboo because homosexuality is legal.
| middle east |
| Israel: Why gay people around the world need Israel.
< Wild horses are gathered during the "Rapa Das Bestas" (or, Shearing of the Beasts), a 400-year-old horse festival in the Spanish village of Sabucedo, 5th July 2014.
| shouting in the night |
| In Buyer & Cellar, Michael Urie stars as a struggling gay thespian who gets a job at the shopping center in Barbra Streisand’s basement. Los Angeles’s Mark Taper Forum, plying through to 27th July.
| "Checking Boxes" explores the "intersection between immigration and the LGBT experience".
| Campaign launched to recognise Elizabeth Taylor's AIDS activism.
> L.A.'s Outfest 2014's Opening Night Gala, in pictures.
< New film "The Circle" tells story of the Swiss gay group that survived the Nazis.
| Trailers: "The Circle"; and "My Son Is Gay"; and "Age Of Consent", which kaos checked out back in March at London’s BFI Flare Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Now it’s set to make its New York debut on Saturday 26th July at NewFest! And Everything Wrong With "The Matrix Reloaded".
| Gays of our lives: The latest from our favourite gays in soaps, with Anthony D. Langford.
| Check out new webseries "Poz Lyfe", which follows the life of 26-year-old old Kileal Smith, who is HIV-positive from birth. And what if "True Blood" was an '80s sitcom?
| Is black British music being erased? No, it's just evolving. (This is a response to Kele Okereke's essay explaining how "black british music is being erased by cultureless dance music".)
| Listen (if you dare) to Bareback Boys - "Big Black Cock".
| Videos: Marck Angel (of Finding Me) - Summertime; and Jessie Ware - Tough Love.
| Falcon/Raging Stallion acquires Hot House, founded by one time Falcon man Steven Scarborough in 1993. It follows the merger of Falcon and Raging Stallion two years ago.
> Cut and ripped supermodel Daniel Shoneye covers London's "QX" magazine with "gay twin" Kyle Goffney.

< Porn models Shujenko Blaze and Pleasure got married on 3rd July.
| Insanely cute Armond Rizzo makes his Lucas Entertainment debut.
| Olympic swimming champion Ian Thorpe comes out, after years spent denying he was gay, and in his 2012 autobiography, This Is Me, calling the rumours hurtful.
| Nigel Sylvester gets naked for ESPN's Body Issue. Check out the rest of the meat on offer...
| Nature’s most perfect killing machine. "Ebola is nightmare fuel: a biological doomsday device conspiring with our bodies to murder us in uniquely gruesome fashion. It’s also killed fewer than 2,000 people. How has a virus with such a modest body count so fiercely captured the darkest corners of our imagination?"
> Poppers linked to sudden vision loss.
| 20 misconceptions about sex, and 7 myths about the brain you thought were true.
| and whilst you're thinking about that, think about this... |
| And finally, Rogue "Marbie" Scott returns; Andrew gets distracted; Walter talks about how white people aren't to blame; and Davey Wavey's guide to kissing.